Wednesday 24 May 2017

WOYWW #416 - Happy 8th anniversary to you all!

Hi all,
Happy anniversary to you all! I've only been part of this circle for a few weeks, but I am amazed and inspired every week by your craft, your colours and your generosity, so many thanks to all of you. 

If you want to know more, head over to the Stamping Ground, which has heroically hosted our peek at each other's crafting desks for 8 years today!

This week, I've been making my first ever ATCs, to mark the anniversary. I still work on my lap, but have had to extend to my footstool as the projects increase. It's still not as tidy as most desks.😉

I've used photos I took on holiday in Japan last Nov, plus Japanese paper I usually use to make nice origami boxes for packaging earrings etc. I did find the silver border stickers useful. 

I'm not a stamper or paper crafter, usually, but I make jewellery so I've added a fan charm, and wrapped them nicely (in case my gluing's not up to scratch. 😉)

My email is above, so let me know your address if you're in my PIF chain, and I'll send you my address and a card.

The other parts of my workspace this week have been focussed first on my necklace, (tbc) but mostly on my new watercolour brush pens. They've been keeping me good while I recover from my chest infection.
I don't profess to being able to paint well, but I enjoy it and in the end I think that's all that matters, don't you think?
 I did venture a birthday card for a friend today........

Anyway, I'll keep this short as I hope lots of us will join in today, have a great week, hugs, Lynne xxx


BJ said...

Hi Lynne, great ATC, Looks like I'm sending to you so I'll be in touch soon BJ#22

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Well, I for one am glad that you joined in! Your ATCs are great, I loved the little fan charm, so pretty! And the card is fab, you're obviously really enjoying using those brush tipped pens - i must check them out.... Hope you're starting to feel a little bit better now after the infection. Enjoy the anniversary day today, I'm enjoying seeing everyone's desks (and lap!) so far :-D
Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Welcome to WOYWW. You joined this group after I stopped visiting due to my nearly dead computer. I LOVE your ATC. It puts mine to shame. You had a lot going on in your craft room, that's for sure. Happy 8th Anniversary from # 1.

Christine said...

I am an artist - can't draw but I can make marks with watercolours and I can colour in ..... not always inside the lines but it makes me happy!
Enjoy those brushes, they look really interesting.
Have a good week.
Christine #25

Annie said...

Good morning my friend and a very happy 8th year anniversary. What a wonderful group we are part of.
I've already received the ATCs from you but won't share mine until Jo has seen them. Thanks so much.
Annie x #19

Lynnecrafts said...

Welcome back! My craft room is just a footstool in my living room, shared with my better half and two cats.I just hope they don't come and sit on my when I'm at a tricky point (the cats, that is, my husband would squash me! ;-) I've been off sick this week, so I've had plenty of time, and when it's your first ATC, you want it to be as special as possible. have great week, hugs, Lynne #23

Lynnecrafts said...

thanks BJ, I've emailed you. Have a great week, hugs, Lynne #23

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks Jan, Glad you liked it. I saw a post on facebook last night to say, don't throw away all your practice paintings, - at least make gift tags out of them, so I feel better about the amount of paper I'm using. Brian was eyeing up my brushes last night to see if they'd be any good for lettering model trains, hm.
Feeling less breathless as on more steroids, now. Should be prop forward weight v quickly, hm again.
Really enjoying my WOYWW visiting today. Have a great week, love L xxx #23

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks, Christine, they are very swishy! Yes, you're right, it's what we define ourselves as that matters. have a great week, hugs, Lynne - Lynnecrafts #23

Lynnecrafts said...

We are Annie, aren't we! Happy WOYWW8, my friend. Have a great week, hugs, Lynne #23

glitterandglue said...

Morning Lynne. Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary. Good for you - painting because you enjoy it.. And the more you do the more pleased you will become with your efforts - brilliant. You've certainly been busy on your footstool this week!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #5 now!

Sarah Brennan said...

If that's your first ATC I would never have guessed. Lovely art. Happy WOYWW anniversary. Sarah#27

Lynnecrafts said...

It certainly is, Sarah, I had to ask Jan what an ATC was! Many thanks for your kind comment. Happy WOYWW8 anniversary and have a great week. Hugs, Lynne xxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Margaret, thanks for that. I confess to being a bit scatty. I'll do something for a while, get interested in something else, come back to earlier enthusiasms later. I am also stubborn tho - at school I refused to give up art and scraped an E at 0 level, which still counts! tkae care and happy WOYWW8 anniversary! hugs, Lynne

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Lynne, the ATC look beautiful. So many wonderful friendships have been formed by this blog hop, Julia really is a blessing. I totally agree about not throwing practice stuff out. Many a time I've been able to use them, when I look at the a few days later, with fresh eyes. And they can always be cut into squares, or strips to make mosaic type card fronts! I've emailed you my addy,I'll post your ATC when I get yours. Have a lovely week, Love and hugs,Shaz #7 XxX

Lynnecrafts said...

THanks Shaz, I'm learning patience with this. sometimes I think 'oh that is horrible@ but I've learned to wait as later I can see something more. THe friendship in this circle is wonderful. I'll send your ATC off today. Love Lynne xxx

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Lynne,
I do love your Japanese theme - the ATC is beautiful and I love your water colour painting - it's so delicate and pretty. I haven't tried water colour brush pens - ooh something new to investigate - but they look very good and probably easier to use than my tiny little brushes - old eyes are finding it harder to do detailed work I'm afraid!
Have a good week and I hope you are fully recovered from your chest infection.
Diana x #24

Unknown said...

fabulous first ATC Lynne, and happy woyww anniversary doone @23

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks Diana. I bought a water brush as well, so I can combine them. So far so good!! Now on high steroids so less wheezy thanks.
Happy WOYWW 8 and have a great week, hugs, Lynne

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks Donna, happy WOYWW8! have a great week, hugs, Lynne

craftyani said...

Love your Japanese themed ATC's. Hope you have a good week. ANickoana #15

Helen said...

the atcs are fab! happy WOYWW Helen #2

Plush Possum Studio said...

You've been enjoying your very own Cherry Blossom Festival on your desk, haven't you? Well done! Very pretty
Rose of Rose's Art Garden #50

Bubbles said...

The card is perfect! I think your painting skills are excellent - but even better that you also enjoy doing it :)
Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Bubbles #36

Stacy Sheldon said...

I think adding the metal fan's to your cards are just brilliant to tie in the jewelry making that you do :) ~Stacy #42

Sharon said...

ATCs are fun to make. I don't usually make them, but I do enjoy participating in this swap. Hope your chest infection is better soon!

Happy WOYWW anniversary
Sharon K #37

Twiglet said...

So glad you decided to join us - there is always something fascinating to peruse on your desk! Happy 8th WOYWW anniversary! We are so lucky to be part of the WOYWW sharing, caring community of like minded folk - long may it last! x Jo

Lindart said...

I love those watercolour pans! I've even used them on a bus trip! Hope you are feeling better! Happy WOYWW Anniversary! Lindart #51

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Ani, many thanks. Have a great anniversary week, hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Helen, many thanks. Happy WOYWW 8 to you too! Hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

You're so right, Rose, I haven't shown the half of it 😀🌸⛩. Did you see Springwatch in Japan? It was stunning. If not, it's still on BBC IPlayer for another 10 days or so. Happy WOYWW 8. Hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks, Bubbles, you're very kind. ! Happy WOYWW 8. Have a great anniversary week, hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks, Stacy, you got it! happy WOYWW8 and have a great week! Hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Sharon, yes, it has been fun to participate and design my ATCs. Getting better thanks - It's also been good to have time for the ATCs instead of fitting it in round work ;-). Happy WOYWW 8,& have a good week, hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Jo, many thanks, that's very kind. I am looking at the mess in the office upstairs and thinking that once I feel better, I'd like to clear it and have a proper desk, maybe! We are so lucky to have this wonderful circle, many happy returns to us all. Hugs, Lynne x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Linda, wow, that took some control! Starting to feel better, thanks. happy WOYWW 8! Have a good week, hugs, Lynne x

Julia Dunnit said...

Gosh Lynne, if you don't paint well, I'll eat my hat! That's a lovely card, and I love how your Japanese trip is influencing your art. Am staggered that you're still on the lap's a slippery slope you know, and I can see you teetering right at the top!! Thank you, thank you for the ATC, it arrived today and I love it!

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Julia, congratulations, I've so enjoyed today's WOYWW anniversary blogging. I hope you've managed to enjoy it too as well as managing it. It's a wonderful achievement to have brought us all together and kept this up for 8 years. Your comments are very heartwarming, thanks! Please don't eat your hat 😏, I'll believe you, honest! I've just realised that I'm still believing the teachers from 46 yrs ago who said I wasn't good enough to do O level art. Grrrrr. Enough of that.
The Far East has been influencing me all my life - maybe a story for another day.
Now about that lap tray, you've got me bang to rights. The "lap tray" is now the whole footstool, a paint dish left and a box of paint pens to my right, and I've got serious thoughts, once I'm better, of clearing the office upstairs which has become an unholy junk room over my last 2 years of fractures, operation etc. I'm on that slope like the Jamaican bobsledders 😀. Glad you like my ATC. Jan had to explain them to me but it was great fun. Happy WOYWW8, and have a great week, love Lynne x

pearshapedcrafting said...

Your ATCs look great! Good that you have joined us! Trying to get to visit as many desks as I can! Chrisx48

Kim said...

Happy 8th Anniversary!Your ATC's look fabulous! I can't believe you can do that on your lap!Have a great week!
-K #39/40

lisa said...

Happy 8th Anniversary, it's been great getting to know you a little bit. Your desk is not untidy, it's one of a crafter!!!
Hugs Lisax 26

Lynnecrafts said...

Selective snaps, Lisa 😜. Happy WOYWW8! It is excellent starting to get to know you all, too xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Chris, many thanks. Happy WOYWW8! Xx

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Kim, many thanks. I have a little metal desk with folds legs I put on my lap. Happy WOYWW 8! Xx

BJ said...

oh glad I decided to pop back here (any blog replies are usually lost on me as I don't know there are there and don't check back on every blog I comment on!) Not had an email yet. I have sent you 3 have you had any of mine? Not sure I have your email right
I copied and pasted and it looks like a small “elle” at the beginning but there again it could be a big “eye”. My email is on my profile. Hope we get it sorted soon. BJ

Neet said...

A fellow crafter who has given papercrafting up and gone into fabric asked me why I kept doing paper things as I had nothing to give to people in the end. I told her it was because I enjoyed it. As long as you are enjoying your watercolouring just keep on with it. You are accomplished with the jewellery so in time you will be the same with your painting.
Happy 8th Anniversary whether you are new or not.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi. I'm on catch-up this week. Hope you enjoyed making your ATC, enjoyment is the most important thing. Happy woyww anniversary. Have a great weekend, Angela x17x

buterfliecrafter said...

you're very right in stating that enjoying the process is most important, because it is, Happy very belated WOYWW, Vicky

Lynnecrafts said...

thanks, Neet, I'm enjoying it. Today, I've been drawing leaves and getting them better x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Angela, thanks, have a great weekend, x

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi vicky, thanks, happy WOYWW8 - it's not over yet for me, I'm having a great time! x