This week, I've been trying to improve my drawing and painting. I found it useful to find & print a picture online and to copy it, making variations.
So I was interested to see this article in the Guardian newspaper, about how children can be the best art teachers, and for them to recommend copying slowly as a way of improving.
I've also been watching a fantastic new series on the BBC, on the Art of Japan, and have fallen in love with a painting by Sesshu called Splashed Ink Landscape, below.

Can you believe this was painted in the year 1495? Around the same time that Leonardo da Vinci was painting the Last Supper?? It's so impressionist. Now that's a painting I'll never be able to copy!
I've also been working out how to make myself some lapis lazuli earrings, with an infinity connector charm from the Silver Corporation.
I'm hoping I can put one lapis coin into the larger part of the infinity hoop, and dangle another off the bottom. I've just ordered them, so we'll see next time.

While I was photographing my desk, Thea decided that it's her turn to star on this blog, rather than Dino, and came and sat on me for an hour to make sure.
So have a good week, all! Please don't apologise for visiting late or not visiting, I think this circle is for us to enjoy as best we can.
We're not all going to visit everyone or post every week, and that's fine with me, and, I hope, with you. hugs, Lynne xxx
Wow Lynne, those leaves are really wonderful - I think you've really unveiled a hidden talent! They are very Japanese looking too, I can see all the inspiration is taking effect. I loved that programme on Japanese art too, so beautiful - that ink splash work by Sesshu is mind boggling, I adore it too and I loved the iris screens that were featured as well. The lapis looks beautiful, such a glorious colour and the puss cat pic made me smile. Thank you.
Hugs, LLJ 3 xxx
Hi Lynne, totally agree, we all have a 'real' life besides our WOYWW one, and I just appreciate people visiting, I don't worry about when they manage it. Love all the artwork. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #9 XxX
I so love anything Japanese they have always been such talented artists. I saw the programme advertised and then forgot about it, must try and get it on catch up. Nice kitty photo too. Have a great woyww and happy crafty week, Angela x16x
The Japanese art is interesting. I can actually see a landscape there!!
It seems that our pets want to be where we are at the time. I love seeing your kitten taking over!
Peace, Kay (43)
Theo is adorable and I love how she made sure she was in the blogpost this week. Bless!
Looking forward to seeing your ear rings next week, hope the parts arrive in time but if not Hey Ho, there is another week.
Children and drawing, I used to be an art teacher (sh, don't tell anyone) and I was appalled at how many children did not like art because they said they could not draw. Everyone can draw and I just encouraged those who couldn't and was careful what I said to them when I commented in their sketch books. Surprising how they grew in confidence. Beauty in Art is in the eyes of the beholder - but I love the Japanese picture.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx
Such a sweet kitty. I am taking calligraphy and I should have been practicing all week. I haven't. :-(
April #33
I am so impressed you are teaching yourself to paint :) and that is too funny that Thea looks like an hour was not long enough time for you to be sitting for cuddles :) ~Stacy #45
Oh Thea is so adorable!! And wow those earrings look awesome! Have a great week! xo Cheetarah #37
Super painting, I did some Chinese painting once (long ago), amazing what you can achieve with the right brush and technique. I hasten to add I haven't painted in ages and it really doesn't come easily to me at all, so well impressed with yours. Thanks for the visit BJ#5
Gorgeous kitty.. Teaching yourself painting that is a wonderful relaxing hobby to have, Your earrings are so Beautiful... Have a happy fun filled crafty week ahead... May#29
What a fabulous workspace!
Have a super weekend,
Katie xx44
I've been getting back into work this week, so have enjoyed your comments, but didn't get chance to reply,. Thanks all for visiting, hugs, Lynne
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