Back for our weekly blog hop via Julia at the Stamping Ground (click on the WOYWW to the right to find out more.)
As well as making more crochet squares, I’ve been trying out another hexagonal Jamie Crow pattern, Delft, which is available on Ravelry. Delft blanket I’m thinking of using it for a cardigan.
I don’t know if it’s me or if it’s because I decided I wanted to make it in cotton mix, but it’s a bit messy at present.

The charity likes textured squares as well as ones with appliqué.
sorry I didn’t do much visiting last week; I had a week of cluster headaches. Better now.
That’s why it might be my inexactitude with the complicated pattern at fault. With these though I know it’s best to keep going and see if it looks better at the end.
Bella and Gracie have got us well trained already. They have enormous energy and chase each other up and down the stairs, before collapsing for a nap.
We started showing Bella (the more adventurous of the two) the garden today. More work needed there to make sure they know how to get in via the cat flaps.
They occasionally allow us a bit of the bed 😻

I love the Delft pattern, that would look stunning as a cardigan. Great funnies too. Happy WOYWW Helen #2
Love the delft pattern I am not so adventurous with my squares. Love your kitties remember when I got a cat flap for mine and we spent ages posting them through it! Ani #3
Hope your headaches stay gone Lynne. Love that Delft pattern. Cats are so good at training their owners lol. Meow to Gracie and Bella. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #5
The Robot funny made me hoot!! Isaac Asimov would have a field day eh? I’m so glad you’re better, those headaches sound appealing, hopefully the new ‘gadget’ will help. Even if it doesn’t, it makes your face feel lovely. That delft pattern is gorgeous and I can just see it in a cardigan, once again I marvel at your patience and tenacity!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
Happy WOYWW. Glad to hear your headaches have eased for now. All of your crochet is amazing, as I cannot do it at all ! Milky has us well trained, but I am getting stricter with her from necessity (she is being kept out of lots of rooms in the house, to reduce the amount of hoovering I need to do during this battle against the fleas). She has been loudly demanding to go into the spare room next to my craft room (where she used to enjoy a quiet sleep during the day), but has given in now and is sitting near my feet. I have to remind myself that she still has a lot of the house, including several very comfortable cat beds. Ali x #12
Ooh, that Delft pattern looks rather nice. I imagine it done in a fine cotton. Love the idea of a cardigan for yourself
The cats are amazing, so pretty and so well settled already. Do hope you have success with the garden introduction. Visions of you on your hands and knees by the cat flap trying to show them how to enter and exit.
Hugs Neet xx
Lynne, thanks for your comment on my blog - it certainly had me smiling this morning.
Hugs, Neet xx
Glad to hear your headaches are better. Your crochet pattern is beautiful as are your two cats, keep the photographs coming x Have a great week Angela #9
I forgot to say that I have been having Kefir yoghurt for a few days now. It tastes delicious, thank you for telling me about it. Angela x#9
I forgot to say that I have been having Kefir yoghurt for a few days now. It tastes delicious, thank you for telling me about it. Angela x#9
Hope the headaches stay away. The blanket is gorgeous and your kitties look very comfy. Loving the funnies too, what a hoot. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x14x
Love the Delft pattern, it will be lovely as a cardigan.
Lovely photo's of your kitties and the funnies made me chuckle :)
Have a great week.
April #17
Sorry to hear about your headaches, Lynne - how miserable for you. Just when you are recovering from being so poorly too... At least you've got the kitties to amuse you! They are such fun! I can see they have completely taken over now. You'll be sleeping on the floor next, you mark my words. Lily and Ruby send miaows back to Bella and Gracie. I love, love, love the new crochet blanket "Delft" - a real stunner! Janie Crow designed the Persian Tiles as well - she's brilliant. Thank you for your visit - so glad you liked my surgeon's card. We have to have a high-sided box for cat litter because they are soooo messy! Ordinary litter trays wouldn't last 5 minutes in this house! I'm glad you enjoyed their little video. The oncology appointment went fine - best news - no chemo! Other stuff sounds pretty unpleasant though... Love the funnies, esp. the robot one lol!
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #11-ish (can't get on Julia's blog which is being blocked by Norton for some reason.)
Glad to hear the headaches have passed, must be very debilitating. I do like that Delft pattern, even more I like and admire the casual way you mention that you might make a cardi. Once an engineer…. I couldn’t possibly come up with a pattern for the pattern!!
So happy to see the cats have settled and now treat the place like home…perfect for all four of you?
Those funnies had me chuckling, they are brill.
I can’t wait to see how your cardi turns out, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Have a good week with no more headaches hopefully
Lynn xx 13
I like the Delft blue pattern, I'm crocheting a simple shawl right now but I might try the blue hexagons after that... I looked on the map and Folkestone is indeed 'near' - but it looks like Clacton-on-Sea is the nearest when you want to swim ;) Today is sunny and bright overhere in the Netherlands and I hope your day/week is the same! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, it was good to 'see' you! Hug from Holland! Marit #7
Loving the pattern and sure it will make a lovely cardigan, the funnies made me laugh
Take care and stay safe,
Lilian B #22
That blue/white hexagon is lovely - made me think of pottery then I realised why - delft - ha ha - just a bit slow today!! xx Jo
Hello Lynne, I did comment earlier in the week but I did have a bad feeling that it had somehow failed to send. Looks I was right there. Your crochet hexagon is lovely. I find cotton yarn doesn't look as good as other softer yarns but a good block and press often improves the look. Your kitties are gorgeous. Elizabeth x #24
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