Tuesday 20 August 2024

WOYWW Hokusai Sashiko and Drawing

Hi all, 
I’m back again to join in with our blog hop courtesy of Sarahscraftshed
I’ve  nearly finished my sashiko panel but don’t know what to do with it - any ideas welcome. 
I did it because it was a challenge I wanted to do, and because I’m feeling nostalgic about Japan. I gave into the temptation of looking at one such holiday on Facebook so now my feed is full of holidays there!

I still need to tidy the back and make it up into something. 
Bella helped, of course, and sends you all purrs. 

I’m also planning a watercolour of my favourite Hokusai: The Boy Watching Mt Fuji. I’ve started with a pencil drawing of the boy and then used a few Inktense pencils to colour it. 

On Sunday there was a dragonfly outside our house. It didn’t move when we approached so I got some sugar water and dribbled it in front of it. I saw it drink some and when we went back later it was gone so I hope it flew away safely. I’ve asked the Dragonfly group on Facebook and they think it might be an immature female Migrant Hawker. 
I’m still making c2c squares for B’s slipover. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

The funnies made me laugh, especially the witch one, I’ll remember that! Great pic of the dragonfly, great that you helped it recover - I always think they look so primeval. I’m glad you’re enjoying your Japan themed art/craft - G and I are undertaking a YouTube car journey through China atm, it’s fascinating seeing the different landscapes and houses! It’s one way to deal with Covid fatigue I guess!!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Neet said...

Doh! Took me ages to find the comment box. What is wrong with me?
Love the picture of the boy - what a gorgeous piece to try to do.
What size is the piece you have just done (sashiko)? That would determine what you do with it. I can only think of a cushion cover at the moment, or a panel in the back of a kimono type jacket. Unless you use it as a picture.
Hugs, Neet (not much help, sorry) xx 2

Lisa-Jane said...

I do so enjoy visiting your blog! This week's And Finally had me smiling at the first, chuckling at the second (as a kitchen witch myself) and laughing out loud at the third! I think your stitched panel would look fabulous as a framed panel on a dark blue cushion. I've not seen The boys watching mount Fuji before but it's really wonderful. Enjoy the last few days of the 'summer', Lisa-Jane #12 prettymypage.co.uk

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I did laugh out loud at those funnies Lynne - especially the last one. Have you thought about turning that piece into the front of a cushion cover? It is really beautiful. Meow to Bella! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Crafting With Jack said...

Your embroidery is lovely, so delicate. No ideas apart from framing it, sorry. Great drawing too. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Helen said...

Just downloading today's Kew photos ...so catching the desks whilst that happens. your funnies - especially Confusious did make me laugh. Your drawing of the painting is great! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Lindart said...

Love the dragonfly pick, I think they are my favourite insect! I'm glad you were able to help it on it's way. Your embroidery is awesome, looking forward to seeing what you will do with it! Your funnies today were great - I love the witch one! Have a great week, Lindart #15

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi, I'm back Lynne. I love dragonflies and we get loads flying in our garden at certain times, not sure whether it's the pond that they like. I wonder if the panel might work as a cushion cover. Wishing you and Bella a happy woyww evening. Hugs Angela x9x

Kyla said...

Love the Confucious saying, made me giggle out loud! Your stitched panel is amazing, I know what you mean though, my mate lived in Japan for a few years and I always wanted to visit, but like you say, one quick google and boom.....ad after ad after ad!
Thanks for visiting my desk already too