Tuesday 8 October 2024

WOYWW 801 Abstracts and six-sided grannies.

Hi all, 
Back to my current desk this week, sharing our blogs via Sarahscraftshed.co.uk
Wasn’t it fun to remind ourselves of our initial blogs and memories for our 800th anniversary?
Last week at art class, we were on phase 3 of the Apple project. #1 was the Apple study sheet, #2 was the collage based on  #1 and  #3 was an abstract watercolour traced from  #2. 

Above are phases 1 and 2. Here is phase 3. Claire encouraged us to add swirls, splashes, stencil marks, smears and all sorts to it. 
I brought it home and just glared at it every time I saw it. Eventually it occurred to me to do it again if I disliked it so much. So here’s phase 4. 

Bella’s telling me very firmly that it’s finished, that the chair is now hers, and I mustn’t forget to send her purrs to you all. 😻
It will never be my favourite painting but I’m more pleased with it than #3. This Wednesday we’ll be moving on to Eric Ravilious-esque landscapes, for example:
We’ll be using tinted charcoal and watercolour to give his muted effect, but based on photos of paths. I want to paint the Manifold valley path that I once cycled with my Mum. 

A man congratulated me on taking my Mum out and she replied‘I’m taking her!’ since she was the regular cycler. 🤣. A golden day. 
I’ve also had a delivery of yarn this week, American yarn that Lovecrafts ran out of and hasn’t reordered 😡 but I found a US seller on eBay who offered free postage. I’m much taken with the hexagon cardigan. 
I started it with this new Premier Yarns Spun Colors Blue Ridge I bought. It won’t lie flat, but that’s intentional. 

When you crochet 2 hexagons , you can fold each one to make 2 L shapes, forming the sleeves and body. 
There are other, simpler patterns where you don’t decrease for the sleeves but I think that would make them too bulky. When you’ve finished the 2 main pieces, you can add more on one side of each for the centre back, join them at the back and add more length. Et voilà! (In theory😁). 
Last Saturday was the Apple fair at Perry Court Farm where they grow over 200 varieties of apple. It was another golden, sunny day with a barrel organ, lots of craft stalls and morris dancers. 
And steam engines. 
We came home with pears, Bramleys, Coxes, Egremont russets and a few of the other apple varieties. Brian bought me these glass earrings.  I’ve taken off the earwires and added jump rings to fit in my sleepers. 

And finally

I’ll be back to comment after my art class. 
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx


Sarah Brennan said...

Love the craft related funnies Lynne. I really like #4 too. Have fun with the paths of the Manifold Valley. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Mary Anne said...

Cool - I have always hankered after one of those crochet jackets, just to say I did one LOL! You know crochet is not my first love but I do yearn to do it every so often (usually after seeing your projects and LLJs!) but I have so much knitting on the go.Also a reminder in the funnies I need a laser pointer for Poppy! And PS I agree with Bella. It's done and phase 4 is fab :)
Between week for me.…and knitting, of course
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (6)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

You always have such interesting projects on the go and love the funnies too. Have a good woyww and big hugs Angela x9x

Neet said...

I can see you in those ear rings - they are definitely you. How nice of Brian.
How nice to find somewhere with all those varieties of apples. I love to try different ones out.
Your teacher strikes again - another great exercise in your art class, I like how she thinks.
Hugs, Neet xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’ve been really interested to see the phases of the apple painting, I quite liked the original one that made you cross! I’m really looking forward to see what you do next week as I adore Eric Ravilious so much. Those earrings are gorgeous, what a lovely reminder of a fab day!
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Anonymous said...

Lovely earrings Lynne, your crochet jacket is going to be fabulous.. Well done on giving the abstract another go. I like your second one. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Helen said...

well, i like phase 2, but also like your re-done version! there used to be a place down near where my parents lived when they were alive that had loads of apple varieties at this time of year. I hardly ever eat apples any more! Great funnies, as always. Happy WOYWW Helen #3