Tuesday 15 October 2024

WOYWW 802 Watercolour and Kanji stamp

Hi all, 
Back again for our weekly bloghop care of Sarah’s craftshed
My desk first, not much to see as we’ve started drawing our next projects- a landscape based on Eric Ravilious. 

I’ll be using water-resistant charcoal, (took some finding but Cretacolour make some) then liquid charcoal and watercolour. I’m basing my painting on the Manifold Way, where I once went cycling with my Mum. 

On Thursday we had a trip to London to the VanGogh exhibition at the NG and then the Silk Road exhibition at the BM. We don’t go to London much but in the end it was too much to do in one day, especially as the National Gallery hadn’t made the slightest attempt to set the HVAC for the number of people attending. It was really hot and unpleasant. The pictures were great though and I’m ve always loved the Silk Road. 

LLJ these are even older than your favourite Lewis Chess pieces!

Below, on silk, is the story of the Khotan princess who smuggled silk moth cocoons and mulberry seeds west in her headdress. 
A happy Bactrian camel. 

Dear old Xuanzhang, a 6th century monk who defied laws forbidding him to leave China because he was fed up of conflicting stories about Buddhism. So he went on a 10,000 mile trip to India and brought Buddhism back to China. Remember the Journey to the West or ‘You have much to learn, grasshopper!’?

It was a fascinating exhibition and showed how’The Silk Road’ was a multiplicity of routes. Vikings went east to Constantinople, religions spread east and west, and lots of trade moved along it, from horses, to silk, gold and jade, carpets, tea, cotton and wool.

 I had some happy post from the East myself this week. My own Kanji stamp: I’m not good at stamping it upright yet  

I chose the Gyousho font. 

I've never seen anything wrapped so beautifully.

Bella sends purrs to you all.

And finally...

I'll be round to comment when I get back from my watercolour class. 
Happy WOYWW everyone!


Mary Anne said...

LOL! 9 livers indeed! That stamp is fab, what a lovely choice. Both exhibits look like a lot of fun, and the new watercolour project will be stunning I'm sure.
Before I crash…
Happy WOYWW.
Mary Anne (1)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

What a shame about the heat at the Van Gogh exhibition but I’m glad you enjoyed the paintings and the Silk Road too. We saw an interesting YouTube video about the Khotan princess, a wonderful story. The game pieces are great fun eh? Did they have the equivalent of the bored Queen and the Beserker?! My personal favs!
I hope your’e enjoying the Ravilious inspired art project, I love his work so am looking forward to seeing yours too.
And I loved the Arab/Cat funny, made me hoot!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Annie said...

I am looking forward to your next artwork....I love pastels.
Annie x #11

Diana Taylor said...

The exhibitions sound wonderful - but what a shame the Van Gogh one didn't regulate the temperature properly - it must have made it very uncomfortable. The Silk Road exhibition sounds so interesting, and I love your beautifully wrapped parcel with your Kanji stamp in it. I look forward to seeing your watercolour inspired by Ravilious - that sounds like a very interesting project. I laughed at the cat and the birthday gift - yesterday our neighbour asked us if we had a pond as his young cat was bringing home Koi Carp - luckily we don't but I bet there's a rather unhappy neighbour somewhere near us!
Hope you have a good week
Diana xx #12

Helen said...

Shame the gallery was so hot but glad you enjoyed what you saw. What a lovely package to receive. Happy woyww Helen #3

Susan Renshaw said...

Love that camel! The use of those different charcoals sounds interesting!
Happy WOYWW Susan #4

Crafting With Jack said...

Two fascinating exhibitions. Hot stuffy rooms are the worst! I bet you were glad to get out in the fresh air! Looking forward to seeing your new art project. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Twiglet said...

Your trip sounds exciting but a pity the Van Gogh was uncomfy. We are lucky to have so much culture and artwork. It's a shame so much is in London but we do get to see all sorts when we are on our travels. x x Jo 🌈

Neet said...

We have kanji's from our trip to China and I got two at the time but as it said A Hickson it was easy to pass it on to my son, Andrew.
Love the Van Gogh pictures, envious as I would love to see the exhibition and I used to love reading about the Silk Road. Must take a photo of my two little 'dirt cheap' figures I got whilst in China and show you. I just adore them and they were pennies.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I have never heard of that type of charcoal, sounds interesting as do the exhibitions. I have always found London to be hot and breathless but we don't go very often. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x9x

Sarah Brennan said...

9 livers made me smile Lynne. What a packed day out - such a lot to see and enjoy - but I can understand why it was a bit much in one trip. Looking forward to seeing more of your charcoal resist. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah