I’m so sorry I didn’t visit any blogs last week. I got back from art class to a call saying my aunt is ill in hospital, in Stoke. I spent all Wednesday and Thursday rushing round to organise things and stupidly put my knee out, turning at the bottom of the stairs. Our neighbours gave us a lift to Brian’s birthday do ( which we all enjoyed) and I then dosed myself up with painkillers and ice. I’ve been really groggy ever since. Finally, today, Tuesday, I’m starting to walk without my walking stick. I’ve done it before and it gets better with rest. Getting anywhere like hospital would have been so complicated now it’s only me who drives.
I’ll do better this week at blog visiting, when I get back from art class.
Here’s my desk at art class last week and some of our group’s bug paintings. We’re now doing a picture of a shirt.
This week we’re going on to painting, being very careful about gradations of colour. My shirt is an old, linen shirt I bought when Travelsmiths had a UK shop. I wish I’d bought more as it’s proven virtually indestructible.
Last week was just drawing and the review of our bugs. I’m pleased I received good comments on mine; they’re all excellent.
I’m thinking of a row of buttons coming down from the right shoulder and down a left-hand pocket with these pretty enamel buttons I bought from Amazon.
And finally…
Take care, all, and happy WOYWW!
Lynnecrafts xx
So sorry to hear about the knee and that your aunt is unwell Lynne. Glad you were still able to enjoy Brian's birthday celebrations. Looking forward to seeing the finished shirt painting - hope you can drive to class today. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah
sorry to hear about your aunt, and your knee, i hope things improve all round! Love the art group's bugs! I speed-read the post first time round and thought you were painting ON the shirt... doh! Enjoy. Happy WOYWW Helen #2
Oh doesn't life complicate things! You had enough to deal with without twisting your knee. I do hope resting it has eased it. It's so frustrating. Now, those buttons are absolutely gorgeous - fab colours. They will match your yarn perfectly.x x Jo 🌈
You did have a bit of a week, didn’t you? I’m glad your knee is better, that’s good to hear and I take it there’s no further news about your aunt, poor lady. So glad that Bri’s party went well, it did look really good! Have fun with your new painting topic this week, your dragonfly was amazing!
Hugs LLJ 6 xx
I hope your aunt is recovering Lynne and that your knee heals quickly so you can visit her. I bought two identical Christmas jumpers the year before last because I liked it so much! Sometimes it doesn't occur to us till it's too late.
Your art teacher certainly comes up with novel ideas. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13
Ooh, I love those buttons. I must post one I bought in Paris years ago that has never been used but is waiting for something special. I do like fancy buttons. Also teal in any shape or form.
Great drawings - love your bugs.
Hugs, Neet 9 xx
So sorry to hear about your knee…you have my full sympathy as I’ve done the same several times. I hope your Aunt is recovering too. What a time you’ve had. I love those buttons…such gorgeous colours.
Annie x #7
You poor thing, sorry to hear about the knee and hope it's better now. Love the insect paintings and the buttons. i have more buttons than I like to admit to. I don't know why but started collecting them and then people gave me more. Wishinhg you a very happy woyww with hugs, Angela x12x
Oh my word the insect/bug paintings are all amazing, so cool how they fade out into the sploshes. Those enamel buttons with look super in a row on that gorgeous yarn too. As for my shoulder, it was even more painful after dancing last night, but I didn't stay the whole time as it was too much. Yes I did put a heat pad on my shoulder when I got in after my bath and hubby has massaged it today too. Got my steroid injection in my left hand tomorrow so I'll be resting up for that too for a few days. Sorry to hear about your knee, I tend to twist mine making by bed sometimes, what are we like! Healing hugs bj#1
I am glad to hear that your knee is better! You big bugs paints are awesome. You are so talented. I love the butons and they would be a brilliant fashion statement! :D)
I had to download two of your cartoons, they were just too perfect not to pinch!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #5
Oh, your poor knee! i hope it heals quickly. I love the alien cartoon - yes please, Trump please (even though he's not MY leader) I love your bug pictures, so full of action! Good luck with your new lessons, looking forward to seeing how they go! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15
Oh sorry about your knee, but glad you are feeling better. The bugs are all simply stunning and those buttons are amazing. Love them. I fancy knitting a cardi (never have) so I can make Dorset buttons to match. Maybe one day...Hugs from Poppy to Bella!
Annoying computer issues got in my way so Happy a bit late WOYWW
Mary Anne (3)
So sorry to hear about your issues last week. How is your aunt doing? You just rest as much as needed. Healing takes much longer as we age - who knew?! Please take your time and rest!
lots of goodies there. I had to save the quote about the art supplies. I think that will become a magnet in my studio. LOL
Creative Blessings! ~ Kelly #14
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