Hi all,
As reported last week, I'm making more Lapis earrings and so here's my jewellery making workdesk.
I've been out and about, buying herb plants for the long border in our back garden, which Brian's planted. This border has recently been weed cleared and had a ton of spent mushroom compost dumped on it. I was struggling to think of what to do with it, but eventually had the brainwave of making it mostly herbs. We suffer a lot with slugs so I decided to buy mature plants and hope they stand a better chance of surviving. We need to get more plants yet, to plant closely to keep down the weeds, but it's a start.
As you can see, Thea has made a good recovery, after a week of keeping her in and bathing her bites with a cleaning liquid from the vets that looks like feline iodine. I'm not sure if she was helping or just using the wheelbarrow as a good place for a snooze! 😏

We had a great day out together. On the way out we also visited the Assyrian bas-reliefs. I swear those gods are carrying handbags!
Anyway, have a good week all, hugs, Lynne xxx
Oh, I love lapis, just gorgeous!
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire no. 2
So glad Thea has recovered from her mauling. The gods carrying handbags made me laugh! Happy WOYWW Sarah #17
Good morning Lynne. My word - you have been one busy lady these past few days! Trust the herbs survive - slugs are such annoying little beasties - get everywhere.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #3
Poor kitty! What happened? Whenever we see Oreo near another cat, I always go out and show them who's the boss LOL! The dragons look awesome - very Chinese -and you're so right about the handbags! Have fun this week! zsuzsa #18
We do always chase him off but he comes back :-(
Grr blogger is not being helpful. She was attacked by a neighbouring bully tabby - 6 bites.
So happy to hear Thea has recovered <3 And the earrings are so pretty! Have a wonderful week! xo Cheetarah WOYWW #22
Contemplations of a Kitty
I love Lapis... and the earrings are looking great.
Empty orange skins are VERY attractive to slugs and snails (especially with a little orange flesh left remaining inside the halves)... they'll congregate around them and chomp away and leave the plants alone. HOWEVER... you'll have to pick up and discard the peel along with the slugs and snails every couple of days.
i hate slugs.. eugh! lol
Have a great day! :)
Bubbles #5
yep, they look like handbags to me too! what a great trip. Helen #7
Hiya! Glad to hear that Thea's doing well - let's hope that blooming tabby keeps away from her in the future. That photo of the Handbags came out really well considering how low the light level was - it was a great day out, we both thoroughly enjoyed ourselves :-D
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx
Your jewelery desk looks interesting. Lol! at the handbags (you are right, they do look like that) Thanks for sharing. Hazel WOYWW 12 x
Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving your comment. Have a good week. Hazel WOYWW 12 x
So glad to see Thea looking so much better and venturing out into the garden. Could have easily have meant she was nervous of going out.
The ear rings sound lovely, hope we get a peek.
Nice to read you had more time with LLJ - sounded a good day out. love those dragons.
Hugs, Neet xx
Oh yes Lynne, I do agree about the handbags! Jan and I were talking about the exhibition, it sounds marvellous. ~I have a 'thing' about my work surface - it has to be plain, especially if I'm fiddling about at night so I'm fascinated to see the surface you're working on is covered in text. Funny things, us human beans aren't we. I really like the earrings, Lapiz is so lovely isnt it.
Love your herb garden! That's right up my alley! I love digging in my yard. I don't do enough of it, but I love to do it. I have an above ground vegetable garden that I am tending right now and am seeing some fruit, finally! I love having an herb garden though, if for nothing else, the smells! Love your precious kitty, what a beauty! And I agree.....those fellas are carrying handbags! LOLOL Have a great week! Blessings, Felicia #32
Gorgeous jewellery and so pleased to see your kitty on the mend. Hoping you have a great WOYWW, Angela x9x
Pretty earrings. I've missed the last few weeks. Was poor Thea is a fight? Glad she is getting better.
Have a great day!
Diane #19
The lapis earrings look wonderful! It's one of my favorite stones. Glad to see your cat happy and recovering. I missed what happened but by your post I think it was a cat fight?
I'm visiting late this week!! Today is my last day on the job and I'm taking advantage!
Hugs, Kay (28)
Beautiful Thea, I'm glad she's recovering. Those dragons are impressive! Have fun with your herbs! I know there are ways to deal with slugs - I seem to remember something about bowls of beer? Thanks for sharing, Lindart #35
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