Wednesday 21 October 2020

WOYWW #594 Vineyard scarves and canal songs

 Hi all, we're back having a look at our Wednesday workspaces, as hosted by Julia on the Stamping Ground

Thea is modelling the upper shelves of my work space this week..

been working on my vineyard scarf, all grapevine bobbles and autumn leaves. It started with a bunch of grapes or a leaf either side, but as it's determined to be unruly, I'm going with it:

As I've multiple strands of wool going, I'm now clipping the green balls to the side to reduce the tangle as I crochet.

Some people get aerated when crochet is mistaken for knitting. I've been known to do both, but this year I've been firmly wedded to crochet, which is what I'm doing above. The difference is well explained here:😀


I was back along the Royal Military canal, this week, at the Western end in Hythe.

There's a memorial to the builders of the canal here. There were fatalities, particularly where the sea rushed in when they were digging at the seaward end.

I've  had the song Manchester Ship Canal by June Tabor in my head all week since. I can't find a link to her version, but the song, originally known as Your Loving Son Dan is here:

Dino isn't very happy with me as he's now having to put up with liquid medicine squirted into his mouth. Here he's complaining to B all about it.

B and I are mainly ok and he now has a date, 28 Oct for his first cataract op, so I may not participate next week.

Anyway, that's all from me this week. Thanks for your visit; I'd love it if you leave a comment. i'll get round as many of your blogs as I can x 

Take care, happy WOYWW, hugs, Lynne


  1. Wow, the scarf is coming along beautifully, I love all the leaves etc and think that you allowing the pattern to develop as it wants is a great idea. The colours are really lovely, i do think Autumn is my favourite time of year. Great pics of the canal, blimey it's been some time since you took us there. I think Covid is determined to stop friends from meeeting up - unless I smuggle you across the border, lol!
    Hugs LLJ 17 xxx

    1. Oh Jan, I wish you could; we haven’t seen you since January!
      If I wore a Welsh hat and carried a pot of cawl maybe....Anyway, back to squirting antibiotics down Dino’s throat....

  2. Your scarf is looking absolutely gorgeous - I love the autumn theme. I've always preferred crochet to knitting as it grows faster!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #19

  3. HI Lynne, fabulous job on the scarf, it's coming along beautifully, and clearly it knows what it wants to look like! Lovely shots of the canal, how beautiful. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

  4. Hi Lynne. Wow - that scarf is just great. I love all the colours and shapes! Great shots of the Military canal - but I confess I'm not sure I know exactly where it is - need to go investigating... A Welsh hat and pot of Cawl might just get you across the border at the moment...
    All the best with the meds for Dino.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #3

    1. Hi Margaret, the canal runs from the west end of Folkestone through Hythe in Kent. It was built as part of the defences in case Napoleon invaded


  6. Hi Lynne the scarf is amazing such gorgeous detail. Great pics of the canal too. It's great that they are being kept in such good condition. Have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x20x

  7. Your scarf sure is coming along and it looks beautiful!!! Prayers for the cataract op. I know it will go smoothly! Blessings, Felicia #32

  8. I never got the hang of crochet but love your scarf! Hope hubby's op goes ok . The canal looks beautiful. Helen #2

  9. Your scarf is a work of art, i'd display it on a wall or across a chair if it was mine. Always admire any type of wool work as I am rubbish at either.
    All the best to B next week & Happy WoywW Tracey #8

    1. Thanks Tracey, my better half has said it should be a wall hanging, but it's a present. Maybe I'll do another one! Take care

  10. The scarf is coming along splendidly, Lynne - brings back memories of my 3-D scarf and what fun I had with it. I'm sorry to hear poor old Dino is still poorly and I hope he gets better soon and takes his medicine like a good boy! Give them both a stroke from me!

    Happy WOYWW,
    Shoshi x #22

    1. Will do, Shoshi, many thanks
      Stay safe, Lynne

  11. Oh my! Your scarf looks amazing and very difficult to do I imagine! How clever!
    DO stay safe!
    Chrissie #10

  12. Your scarf looks amazing. That looks a lovely walk along the canal. Angela #36

  13. The scarf is looking beautiful Lynne. Good luck with B's op. both my parents have had the same thing and they enjoy life without glasses most of the time now. Thea really reminds me of our beloved Mizzy who passed over the rainbow bridge many years ago. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  14. Good luck for B for the op next week - am sure all will be fine (but glad it isn't me or I would be quivering - can't do with anything to do with eyes - ugh!)
    Love the scarf, I hope we get to see it all stretched out when it is completed. It looks as if it will be absolutely gorgeous!
    Off t listen to that song - never heard of it before.
    Hugs, Neet 6 xx

  15. Terrific work ~ the scarf is going to be beautiful! Poor kitty ~ They do hate meds don't they?! Stay well ~ Love, Karen#40

  16. Think they’ve minds of their win these creations Lynne, so go with it! Praying hubby’s cataract op is highly successful.
    Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, hugs Shaz in Oz.x

    {Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  17. I love it, it’s being unruly! These things so often are, and I like that you’ve corralled the green with clips,a simple but not always obvious good idea! That’s a really nice memorial on the canal side, much nicer than just a plaque somewhere that future generations don’t even see as they hurry by. Good luck for B next week, the sexy sunglasses in all weathers look will make it all worthwhile!!

  18. That scarf is beautiful!
    Interesting info about the canal.
    Sorry I am so late visiting.
    Susan #24

  19. Thanks all for your kind thoughts and good wishes
    stay safe all


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