Monday 9 September 2024

WOYWW 797 Paint and crochet

Hi all, I’m joining in with our weekly blog hop courtesy of Sarah’s Craft Shed. Here’s my desk this week. Now I have my missing vermilion red I’ve done a colour wheel so I can see how my new paints mix. I’ve also started mixing colours for this week’s subject: apples. My watercolour class this year is on a Wednesday morning so I’ll mostly be commenting later. 
Otherwise, I haven’t had much chance for crafting this week, as the storm on Sunday sprung a leak in our bedroom and I spent a lot of time moving clothes. It was a good reason for a sort out and the boot of the car is now full of clothes to be taken to the Sally Army drop off point. The builders came today and found some cracked concrete that allowed the rain in so it’s hopefully all fixed now. 
Today I had a retinal check up so came home feeling woozy as the drops blurred my vision. All well and signed off now. 
I added a baby’s hat to the cardis and bootees. Do you think the pompom’s too big? 
I made it with two rings but I’ve now bought a pompom maker if I can work out how to use it. If anyone has any clear instructions, rather than poorly translated nonsense I’d be glad! I also bought buttons online from a shop in Staffordshire called Smart as a button. She deserves a shoutout for sending me extra buttons as a present, the white train buttons! 

In the evening I’ve been following a crochet CAL by Polly Plum, called Step 2 it. 
It’s a corner to corner design made of trebles and granny stitch. Eventually, it becomes a rectangle but I’m not there yet. 

I’m a bit disappointed by the yarn, the colours are in blocks rather than a brighter flow of colours but I’ll carry on. 
I’ve some ideas for my sashiko square but more of that next week. 
Bella’s always ready to model my crochet and sends you all purrs. 
And finally, 

And turkeys voting for Xmas. I just don’t get it. 

Except for our dear ones anyway! 
Take care, all, and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx

Tuesday 3 September 2024

WOYWW 796 Cardis and new paint.

Hi all, here’s my desk and the new paints are entirely Google’s fault.  

It’s ridiculous, really. I’d commented on everyone’s desk last week and kept looking at my email to see your comments, but nothing was showing. I even did a check comment  to make sure it was working. I was feeling in a proper ‘nobody loves me’ mood so I splashed out on some new Gallo paints and a bigger palette. 
Of course, you were all there, but Google had somehow stopped notifying me. When I texted Jan, she said to go straight to comment moderation and there you were!

The paints are gorgeous and the packaging sublime. That beautiful piece of marbled Florentine paper is just a wrapper! I wanted this to be my main paint kit so I added a few more, mainly earthy tones. I missed out an orangey red so that is on order from Jackson’s who stock their paints. 

While waiting for these, I was chatting with one of my goddaughters, and she’s expecting. She has one daughter, aged nearly 5, but I remembered an easy baby pattern Jan showed us recently. 
I had one ball of rainbow wool and it’s made two baby cardigans. I just have to add buttons and press them. I had to teach myself the ‘backwards loop cast-on’ for under the sleeves, but it is very straightforward. I even made some booties! 

The colour’s not very good as I want to include them tonight. In reality the soles are lilac. 

I still want to go straight back to crocheting though! 
Bella sends purrs to you all. She likes it when I crochet. 
I’ve started a CAL but will tell you more about that another time. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx