Tuesday 3 September 2024

WOYWW 796 Cardis and new paint.

Hi all, here’s my desk and the new paints are entirely Google’s fault.  

It’s ridiculous, really. I’d commented on everyone’s desk last week and kept looking at my email to see your comments, but nothing was showing. I even did a check comment  to make sure it was working. I was feeling in a proper ‘nobody loves me’ mood so I splashed out on some new Gallo paints and a bigger palette. 
Of course, you were all there, but Google had somehow stopped notifying me. When I texted Jan, she said to go straight to comment moderation and there you were!

The paints are gorgeous and the packaging sublime. That beautiful piece of marbled Florentine paper is just a wrapper! I wanted this to be my main paint kit so I added a few more, mainly earthy tones. I missed out an orangey red so that is on order from Jackson’s who stock their paints. 

While waiting for these, I was chatting with one of my goddaughters, and she’s expecting. She has one daughter, aged nearly 5, but I remembered an easy baby pattern Jan showed us recently. 
I had one ball of rainbow wool and it’s made two baby cardigans. I just have to add buttons and press them. I had to teach myself the ‘backwards loop cast-on’ for under the sleeves, but it is very straightforward. I even made some booties! 

The colour’s not very good as I want to include them tonight. In reality the soles are lilac. 

I still want to go straight back to crocheting though! 
Bella sends purrs to you all. She likes it when I crochet. 
I’ve started a CAL but will tell you more about that another time. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

Glad to have been of help! I think Google did it one purpose so you’d have the perfect reason to have a little splurge on paints *grin*. Tell you what, you haven’t lost your knitting tension, those little cardis look great and isn’t it fab not having to sew up seams, a proper win win! The funnies made me properly laugh this morning, especially the Med School graduation gowns!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

BJ said...

Oh my those paints look gorgeous, maybe I'll replace mine with those when I run out of a colour. Hugs BJ#9

Mary Anne said...

Your little cardis are so great. I am finally working on a 2nd sock (HATE doing them one at a time, 2nd sock syndrome is very much a thing) and have some bears to finish and mail for Gift of Warmth. Keeps me busy while listening to TV :D I find pointing to Poppy asleep on my lap is a great way to get out of doing something I don't really want to do :)
A quick dash before knitting
Happy desk-hop day!
Mary Anne (3)

Annie said...

I chuckled at your comment on my blog. I had a non stop queue of customers last week but so far haven't had one this week!!...If only I'd known I could have spaced out the work....just don't dare in case this week was as busy. I love the little cardigans....I think it was a patern Jo shared with Jan so it's lovely to see it doing the rounds.
Annie x #6

Helen said...

Those outfits are beautiful! Oops to the paints , we must try hiding our comments again ! Thanks for visiting Helen #2

Crafting With Jack said...

I can’t remember the name of my first watercolour set, but I hardly ever use it as I find tubes(Windsor Newton) easier. The pans seem to take forever to get any colour out. I wonder if they are too old? I bought a children’s set on holiday a couple years ago and that was amazing in comparison. Your new set looks lovely, it must make using them easier if the pans come out. Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Neet said...

Your knitting is beautiful.
I had to smile how you are so happy with your paints. It's like me when I get some new stamps or ink pads these days. `Not that I am buying all the new ink pads that are coming onto the market these days, I just look at the ones I bought years ago and wonder if I will use them again. Fashion changes to make us spend and that includes ink pads. I know you will enjoy your paints and get so much joy from using them so I wish you all the best with them. They look and sound wonderful.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Lynne, I've had that problem with comments and found they are in the comment moderation but only certain ones not everybody, it's a pain. Hope you have fun with the new paints. Loving the little cardigans so cute. Love the funnies too. Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x12x

Twiglet said...

Ah we love that little cardi pattern. I think I need to check out the backwards cast on. Don't they look lovely. You will love your new paints. x x Jo 🌈

Lisa-Jane said...

How cute did those little cardis turn out?! Darn technical glitches making you buy new paints! It's so lovely to swatch them all when they arrive though isn't it?! Best wishes, Lisa-Jane #11 https://www.prettymypage.co.uk

Sarah Brennan said...

Oh I laughed out loud at the medical graduation gowns Lynne. Gorgeous paints - have fun with them and the baby items are lovely too in that rainbow wool. Meow to Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW, Sarah