Tuesday 14 May 2024

WOYWW 780 Happy crystal anniversary!

Hi all and happy 15th (crystal) anniversary of WOYWW! It’s a fantastic achievement to keep this weekly share going, so thanks to Miss Julia and to us all for contributing. I appreciate your friendship so much. ❤️
I’ve used my Waterford crystal dolphin as an emblem of the anniversary and theme of my ATCs, placed in front of a painting from fb. I’ll keep most for the crop but let me know if you want to swap otherwise via Lmcollis(at)icloud(dot)com. 

The painting is by Sue Goldberg. 
My desk at art class this week was less messy than I imagined as we were dipping the twigs into ink to draw the hare. Watercolour will be added later. 

I was using a feather borrowed from our tutor for the fur. Someone else wanted it so I sped up, hence the nasty blotch on its back. It might scratch off when I’ve finished. 
I did get to use the new brush rest Brian made for me from a coaster and corks. It’s really good! There are two half corks on the back so the brushes slope downwards to avoid moisture collecting in the ferrules. 
I saw this picture of a bag for holidays online. I didn’t buy the pattern but I’m making a similar one for myself. 

I’ll use a plain tote as a lining. 

I’ve had to remind myself how to whip cord. There’s a link below. 

Bella has been enjoying the better weather, here she was in our apricot tree. 
And finally:

Happy anniversary!
Lynnecrafts xx


  1. So looking forward to seeing everyone at the crop this weekend Lynne. meow to Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW anniverary. Sarah #?

  2. Good morning Lynne. Happy Aniversary. I'm thrilled to see you are my PIF for the ATC. Are you coming to the crop? If not then let me have your address and I will post it to you....wipso2310@gmail.com
    Annie x

  3. Always with the Failed to Publish. 4 x this week! Each time the comments get shorter....Loveing Bella, such a sweetie, and see you at the crop!
    Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  4. Ooh, maybe, just maybe (please please please) will you show me how to join my chain? I'll bring my bag of stuff just in case. That crochet bag is amazing and so trendy.
    Love the rabbit. Why did you have to draw with a twig? Just wondering on the thinking behind it.
    The thinking behind the ATC's is fantastic. What a brilliant idea. 15 - crystal!
    Bella looks lovely in the apricot tree and I love the Adam and Eve funny plus the tupperware joke which reminds me of a friend who was to be buried in a cardboard coffin that people were asked to go and see and take a rubber stamp and stamp on it. I didn't..
    Bella is so pretty.
    Hugs, Neet 8 xx

  5. Thrilled to see you are coming to the crop. Love the tote you are making . Happy woyww Helen #6

  6. Hi Lynne, so pleased you will be at the Crop. I'm hoping I have enough ATCs for everybody that attends and definitely have one with your name on. You sure have been busy this week and your drawing of the bunny is amazing. See you soon and happy woyww 15th Anniversary. Hugs Angela x17x

  7. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. Your artwork is fab. Also love the idea for your holiday bag. x Jo x

  8. Beautiful craft work this week!
    Happy 15th on the 15th!
    Susan #4

  9. Brilliant funnies this week! What a great bag you have going there. I'm often tempted to learn to crochet but it would be another thing that I'd have half finished projects of all over the house! I'm amazed at your hare picture using the twigs - it's awesome! And what a fabulous brush rest you've been made too! Happy anniversary, Lisa-Jane #18 www.prettymypage.co.uk

  10. loving your rabbit! and that's such a clever idea for a brush holder! Happy 15th WOYWW Anniversary Michelle #21

  11. What a shame you felt under pressure with the feather. Which end were you using? I can’t imaging using twigs, did you find it difficult? Happy 15th anniversary. Angela #19


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