Tuesday 18 June 2024

WOYWW 785 Koi Carp

Hi all, my desk this week is all about koi carp!
I’m enjoying this project and tomorrow (Wednesday) we’ll finish painting the big fish and will work on the little fish we created last week by wiping out paint between cut out stencils. My tutor last week confessed to ‘stencil envy’ as I’d bought fish scale stencils to help with painting the fish. 

We’re also using net, cut from a bag of tangerines for small scales. 
Last Thursday I finished my mixed media still life. It’s ok but I found using oil pastels to be harder to be precise with, though they made good lime and lemon peel textures. 

I’ve enlisted my Lyonnaise friend’s advice and she thinks St Tropez bags are back in fashion and that my French goddaughter (her daughter) would like it. 😀. I’ve added magnetic clasps this week, but that’s all. 
Bella was very good at the vets today for her annual jab. She’s recovering from the trauma with a nice snooze and sends sleepy purrs to you all. 

It may well be tomorrow evening before I can comment much as I’m out at my fishy watercolour class tomorrow. 
And finally…
I’ve shown this before but it popped up on fb again and I couldn’t resist. 
Not a cartoon but he does look cross!

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


Sarah Brennan said...

Have a great time at class Lynne. Look forward to seeing the finished fish - they are coming on brilliantly. Meow to Bella. Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

Lisa-Jane said...

Ha! That eagle might just be my spirit animal! How great are those stencils working out?! I can really see that coming together with the background. Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6 www.prettymypage.co.uk

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I really love that koi painting, the colours in the background are fab and you can see how the fish are going to appear….those stencils are going to be so useful. Enjoy your class today! Lovely to catch up yesterday, really enjoyed xx
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Mary Anne said...

Your funnies always lift my spirits. So hysterical, that cat and dog.... The painting is wonderful, the scales very realistic, and Bella looks quite content after her "trauma" LOL!
Happy Desk Hopping (and for me, knitting)!
Mary Anne (3)

Neet said...

That eagle funny is brilliant. He really has got the hump in the way he is stalking the shore.
Your painting of the fish is lovely, clever you to use stencils for the scales. Equally I am impressed with your fruit - you have definitely embraced this course.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Your painting is looking fab - I love the colours and how you've achieved the feeling of depth in the water - just beautiful. The fruit is very realistic - you did a good job with the pastels.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #15

Robyn said...

great idea to use a stencil or net for scales, must give that a try!

Annie said...

Sorry I'm so late calling by. I had a busy morning with sewing then had an appointment at the diabetic clinic this afternoon [all well].
I'm enjoying your painting and your pastels are really fab.
Annie x # 8

Crafting With Jack said...

That eagle does really look annoyed! You are doing so well with your painting course. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

Helen said...

Hi, Lynne i am really late - was planning to catch up after the work "do" but it went on toolong... great paintings.. "stinky" only lasts about 24 hours when it opens you have to be really lucky to catch it open... maybe next time! Helen #1

Spyder said...

very funny funnies this week...I'd hate to be on the end of that eagles walk! Have a great week, I'm not home this week so have a Happy late WOYWW!?((Lyn)) #18

Susan Renshaw said...

Lovely to see your painting process! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5