Tuesday 25 June 2024


Hi all, I’m scheduling this one from Normandy.  Not sure if I’ll be able to comment as we’re in the Loire valley on Wednesday. No idea if we’ll have WiFi, but join in via Sarah’s craft shed and I’ll comment if I can. 
Just about WiFi, here, but not enough to get the photos from my camera. Had a lovely morning at Monet’s garden in Giverny. 
French kids learning English learn to say ‘Brian is in the kitchen,’ so here he is 😀

Very silly bouffant-headed hens (photo below, not above 😏)

We didn’t see any koi carp in the ponds, one dark shadow of a fish. 

I think I’ve almost finished my koi carp just got to put in some ripples. I’m quite pleased with it, and have had an offer to buy it!

Sweet Bella has her aunty coming to feed and fuss her. 

And finally 

Have a good week
Lynnecrafts xx


  1. The koi carp watercolour is stunning Lynne. Looks like you are having great fun in France - enjoy. Brian est vraiment dans la cuisine! Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW. Sarah

  2. Lovely pics from your holiday, the bouffant bounced chooks made me smile! Hope you continue to have a wonderful time. The snoring/sewing funny made me laugh, that could possibly be me…!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xx

  3. Oh Lynn I am proper howling at your jokes this week! I do love those chickens with the funky hair dos and I hope you're having a lovely time En France. Your koi picture is amazing - those inset fish really pop out don't they? Have a fun week! Lisa-Jane #11 www.prettymypage.co.uk

  4. So envious of your trip to France. Even more so of where you are at the moment with the photos - Monet's Garden. Hope the weather holds out for the entire visit to France and you continue to have a wonderful time knowing Bella is happy at home.
    Hugs, Neet xx
    ps well done on the sale of the fish

  5. Hope you're enjoying the holiday, the photos look fabulous. Happy woyww Helen #1


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