Tuesday, 3 December 2024

WOYWW 809 Late blog

I nearly forgot it was blog day this week. It’s 1am and . Bella just woke us with some zooming about. Good job she did! 
I’ve been trying out my pastel colours for this week’s seascape. I won them as a prize when I wrote a letter to an art magazine about the brush rest Brian made for me from wine corks. 
This is the seascape I’ll be copying. The pastel is used with/ over the watercolour for spray. 

We’ve had to tear up and glue random pieces of watercolour paper together and I’m not sure how it will work - more details next week. 
My knitting has progressed and I’ve finished the back. 

Bella’s been supervising again! She sends you all purrs. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts xx


Sarah Brennan said...

Love the funnies Lynne. The technique for the latest painting sounds intriguing - can't wait to see your progress. Meow to Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Lunch Lady Jan said...

A rotary dial phone, blimey, used to spend hours on one of them hating to friends as a teenager….Burry Port 2580, those were the days eh?! I’m intrigued by the collage and watercolour technique, your tutor really has some amazing ideas, look forward to seeing what you come up with! Love the colours of the knitting, that’s working really well xx
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Twiglet said...

Looking forward to seeing the watercolour - sounds very clever. I chuckled at the seagull funny. They always look as if they are up to something don't they. X x Jo 🌈

Helen said...

Was a bit confused what time Bella woke you that you were late.. I am? lol !! Made me chuckle. Love the funnies. Kids today would be flummoxed by that phone! Happy woyww Helen #4

Annie said...

Look forward to the latest painting. Love the funnies too.
Annie x # 7

Helen said...

thank you for explaining about Bella... it really threw me you waking at 1am and it being late!! yes, the porcelain berries are outside. Helen

BJ said...

Totally intrigued with the cork brush rest. Do you lean them up against it or along the grooves? I have a zig-zag piece of card to rest mine in to dry them flat, maybe I ought to make something more substantial - hmmmm. The pastels and layers of paper sound intriguing too, I better come back next week to see what you do with it all. Hugs BJ#11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Love your funnies and sweet Bella, she looks so comfy. Can't wait to see how you get on with the seascape. Happy creative woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Lindart said...

Oh my, the look on that cat's face in the funnies - hilarious! My cats should read it! I think they would starve rather than east the last bits of kibble in the bottom of the bowl! The seascape sounds very challenging, looking forward to seeing how it goes! And congrats for winning a prize! That is a neat brush holder! Scritches to Bella! Lindart #12

Mary Anne said...

What a sweetie Bella is! Poppy is currently zooming madly about the house, after a stinky deposit in the litter box. Ugh. Love the look of the seascape and I must say it looks challenging. Enjoy the process and thanks as always for the grins. The phone one kills me :D
SO late for WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)