Tuesday, 11 March 2025

WOYWW 823 Sketching and hobbling

Thanks for all your good wishes for my aunt. She’s now in a Dougie MacMillan hospice close to her home in Blurton, Stoke-on- Trent. I’d like to go up and see her but my blasted knee has given up again. I’ve been back to my physio for a cortisone jab and have had an x-ray as the first step in getting referred to the osteopathy specialist. 
So here’s my desk today, catching up with my sketching lessons. 
Adebanji has a good way of getting you to see shapes and lines. 
This drawing started off as squares, triangles and outlines of the negative shapes, made by the spaces between things. 

He always says it doesn’t have to be perfect, it’s a sketch. This alpine scene was one to copy rather than a tutorial, but it was enjoyable to work on. 
At art class we’re doing ink and watercolour wash of canal boats. I had far too much fun wafting a feather loaded with waterproof black ink to make tree reflections in the water (everyone else’s were very neat), and drawing various thicknesses of line with my Lumos pen. Anyway, I’ll see how it comes out tomorrow. 

I couldn’t resist this photo of Bella, who sends purrs to you all. 

And finally…

I’ll be back to visit after art class tomorrow. I’d be so glad if you can leave a comment when you visit.  As I mentioned last week, I’m not comfortable posting completely anonymous comments, so please sign any comment at the end (I don’t mind about Google shenanigans at the top. 😼
Lynnecrafts xx


Lunch Lady Jan said...

I laughed out loud at the crocheting with black wool, we’ve all been there, in fact I still am, doing those pesky black sheep! I’m so glad that you’re enjoying the art classes, they certainly seem to be covering some great techniques. I do love ink and watercolour wash, probably my fav method of all.
I hope your aunt is comfy and not in pain, sorry to hear your knee is causing you grief again though.
Re a pic of me playing the piano, an image of Terry Jones from Monty Python comes into mind, now that would be an eye opener for WOYWW!!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Mary Anne said...

Oh my yes! Knitting with black yarn is maybe not SO bad as crochet, but bad enough. The art is looking wonderful, I admire your skill, but know I don't have your sticktoitivness. I'd give up long before I got better :). Sounds like your aunt is in the right place, wishing her well, ans you for your knee as well. I know what a struggle it can be. I dread the stairs in our house and there are so many of them! Hopefully it'll accept my Open Id comment! Sometmes it fails, sometimes not!
Happy no-knitting WOYWW day!
Mary Anne (5)

Helen said...

Sorry to hear about your aunt and also the knee ! Fab drawings as always, I love the alpine scene . Happy woyww Helen #1

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I hope you get some progress with the Osteopath as referrals seem to take so long here. Good luck with the new art work, looking good. Bella is so cute, love her and the funnies are good too. I well understand the one about putting things away safely! Wishing you a happy woyww. Hugs Angela x10x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Your art classes sound great fun including the feather like trees! 😆 but am sorry your knee is preventing you from visiting your aunt, I pray it recovers soon so you can! Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #3

Crafting With Jack said...

I gave up knitting my children jumpers when everything had to be black! Great drawings and the photograph of Bella is so cute. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11