I’m back for our Wednesday blog hop.
For once I’ve managed to remember to take a picture of Brian’s slipover in daylight.
It’s too big and I’ll have to take it back to the rib, but I’m pleased with the colours.
Gracie is supervising the frogging (unroving, which comes from a pun on the voice of a frog, “Ribbit”)
The buttons for my blue and white cardigan arrived from Australia as well. 😀
Gracie is getting braver and sometimes stays downstairs for a cuddle-sleep now. It’s funny to think they haven’t been with us 6 months yet.
I’m not looking forward to Friday afternoon. I have to have an hour long MRI scan on my spine. I’ve had them before but never so long and it’s not going to be easy to lie still with the pain in my back. Beam positive vibes to me in Ashford, Kent, please!
And finally….
Did you see Tesco’s cock up on the news?
Some poor employee mistook French saussison sec as secateurs, so suddenly you had to be over 18 to buy French sausage as it had been classed as a bladed weapon. They’ll never live it down. 🤣
Take care, and happy crafting
I hope the scan goes well - that is a long time to lie still, never mind if you have pain in your back! Shame the slipover is too big but I love the colour. Happy WOYWW Helen #3
I will be thinking of you on Friday Lynne - MRI's are never fun especially with all the banging. Meow to Gracie and Bella. The buttons for your cardigan are lovely. Happy New Year, stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12
Oh those buttons are lush! Love them. I always prefer ripping back in crochet rather than knitting. It can be so hard if the pattern is complex to get things in the needles right. I am a firm believer in "lifelines!"
Happy 1st WOYWW of 2022!
Mary Anne (11)
Happy New Year, Lynne. I wish you well with your MRI. I trust it goes well for you and the results are worth the long lie down!! You are still busy with lots of knitting and crochet, I see!
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #14
I am terrified of having an MRI so my thoughts will be with you 110%.
Love the buttons - you have the knack for sorting these things out (thinking of the ear rings here)
Happy New Year, Hugs, Neet 2xx
That last picture is so funny 🤣. I have heard that the MRI machines are very noisy. Can you take some painkillers before you have it done? Sending positive vibes your way and lots of love. Angela #1
How did you know about the sewing projects from the cartoon ;-D. I may have had several things on the go…cough….they can’t touch you for it, you know, lol! The colours of the slipover are glorious and the buttons were worth the wait, they are lovely. Very good luck with the scan, I’m sending positive vibes your way, will catch up next definitely xx
Happy 2022, may it be full of fun and crafting!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx
Love the funny pictures, made me chuckle. Those buttons are gorgeous, well worth the wait. I don't like MRI scans either, as you say hard work lying still for so long, especially when you are in pain. Have a lovely week, Heather #23
Ha, the evolved wolf made me laugh! Good for you for frogging the slipover, it’s enough to make me abandon and ignore it for a while! Still really loving the colours, I guess that would make it a pleasure to work! I really like the buttons, they’re remarkably well travelled already, imagine the extra miles they’ll achieve on your cardigan! I really do wish you well for Friday, if you have to lie on your back and it’s painful to do so, it will seem a long time. I have an annual MRI because of the (no longer) brain tumour and am known to fall asleep because it’s just a long lie down for me, if only it could be the same for you.
Hi Lynne the Tescos thing is so funny but I can guess how it happened. Love the colour of the wool, very nice and your kitties look comfy. Hope everything goes well for Friday too. A bit late tonight but always try to get round everyone if possible. Have a lovely woyww and a great week. Hugs, Angela x20x
Hello Lynne, don't envy you that frogging job! All that knitting time wasted too! I think I'd lose the will to carry on. The buttons are beautiful - love the Delft look of them. Bella and Gracie are gorgeous and it's nice to hear they are settling in so well. Enjoyed the funnies, especially the one about wolves. Hope the MRI scan isn't as bad as you fear tomorrow. Have a good week. Elizabeth x #28
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