Tuesday 20 February 2024

WOYWW 768 Watercolour, crochet and Mangalitza

Hi all, thanks again for all your kind support. It was horrible picking up Gracie’s ashes on Saturday but I’m feeling better now and it’s a comfort to have a little phial of her fur next to my bed. 

It was half-term last week so I’ve been preparing for this Thursday’s art class. I’ve bought some proportional dividers to help me scale up from the original photo to my drawing. (We did the squaring up last week to make sure the overall paper is the same size as the original). 
I’ve also practicing grass textures again. 
I think it’s better with some dry brush strokes and then glazes and a further application of a dark green (ultramarine and cobalt yellow with indigo) through my stencil over the top. I have cheated and put some Hookers green in my palette but it’s too bright to use on its own. 
I did a search on YouTube and found this video. The English meadow (2nd lesson) is closest to mine. Paul Clark watercolour grasses
Jan, another in that video shows the use of masking fluid. 
I enjoy watching Landscape artist of the year on Sky Arts and very much liked this tree so I might try and reflect it when we paint the landscape in class this week. 

I’ve finished Brian’s slipover and he’s very pleased with it. 

It’s worked up so quickly that I’m making a green based cardigan for myself in the same pattern. 
I love this yarn - it’s Winterglow from Hobbii, but it’s annoying that it takes a week to come from Denmark. I’ve never seen another yarn like it.  I’ve just added in another green so I’ve put this front on hold while I start the other front till the new green arrives. 
Bella helps of course. She is spending much more time on my knee now, and sends purrs to you all. 

We had a lovely light lunch out this week at the Bridge Arms in Bridge, with absolutely gorgeous cheese goujons and Mangalitza pork.  The restaurant has a Michelin * so we were lucky to walk in and get a table. We’ll go back but will book next time!

And finally..
I saw this on Facebook. I must suggest to our local wool shop that she gets some made!

Ain’t that the truth!
The next one was one of Brian’s birthday cards. 

I love the skirl of the bagpipes but I liked this - very Terry Pratchett! We always talk to the goblin in our satnav, especially when we ignore him!
Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xxx


  1. Glad you have Gracie's ashes home with you now Lynne. Loving the slipover and the cardigan is looking great already. Enjoy your watercolour class! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Aw, nice to have Gracie's ashes safe and sound with you, helpful d consoling too. Sounds as though Bella is keeping you nearer for comfort too. That is such a happy picture of Brian! The slipover is great, I agree about the yarn. The Bridge sounds rather special...can you claim expenses from yourself as research for the next novel?!

  3. I was very sorry to hear about Gracie and I hope Bella is doing OK without her sister. I love the yarn you used for the slip over, what beautiful colours. Enjoy the watercolour class - I love the tree picture.
    Have a good week,
    Diana xx #15

  4. It’s a sad old time, we do feel for you - sending hugs. Rhys and I liked that tree painting on Landscape Artist as well so I’m pleased it’s inspiration for you too, hope you enjoy tomorrow’s class. I really love the colours in Brian’s slipcover and imagine that it’ll work well for a cardi for you too.The funnies made me laugh especially the bagpipes - when G and I went to Edinburgh, we invented a new drinking game, every time we passed a bagpiping busker playing Highland Cathedral we had a drink, we were pished by 11am, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  5. I forgot to say that my Valentines surprise for Brian was a delivery of Welsh faggots! Now, this may confuse our friends from over the pond but they are large meatballs generally made from pork, liver and other offal. Brian loves them so I was glad to find a Welsh butcher who can mail them in a cool box. We had them with onion gravy, mushy peas and mash. Delicious!

  6. Hi again Lynne, thanks for your visit to mine - the glue I use is Golden matte medium gel - I swear by it and very rarely use anything else! x

  7. The slipover looks great and I love the card ! Glad you have Gracie's ashes close. Happy woyww. Helen #2

  8. Ha just chuckling at Jan's comment about the bagpipes drinking game - she's a rascal! Your slipover is fab and looks so smart and I bet your cardi will be gorgeous. x x Jo

  9. Oh, we have only had Poppy for a bit, and she is the first pet I've had since I was a kid so I simply cannot imagine being without her. Lovely you have another furry warmer to make you feel less sad. Never seen any of the painting shows but love that sample you shared. And the slip-over looks fab on the handsome model! Nice job!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (6)

  10. The slipover looks great and you husband looks very happy with it. Sending hugs as I know you must be missing Gracie. Enjoy your watercolour lesson. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

  11. It's always sad when you lose a much loved pet, we have a doggie grave yard at the bottom of our garden as we always bury them. Brian's slip over is great and love the funnies too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x11x

  12. Wow, I am impressed by your grass. I can well imagine your painting is going to be terrific when it finally emerges, you have put so much into the research to begin with and I applaud you for it. Well done Lynne.
    Glad you feel comforted by Gracie's ashes, I keep Oliver, Tabs and Fudge's all together on top of a cupboard. A friend of mine feels comforted that her husband's are with her in her bedroom. I always say do what is best for you and what gives you comfort may not be right for the next man but as long as it is right for you, do it! I am glad I had my fur babies cremated as i did. That way they are always with me.
    Have you ever thought that Bella feels your grief and so feels both comfort for herself and for you by giving you more attention. Animals soon pick up on things, and when I lost Oliver, Tabs took on so many of his traits it was unbelievable. I knew she was trying her best to comfort me but at the same time comforting herself. Think about it.
    Hugs, Neet xx 13

  13. I looked back at your experiments to get the grass right and I was thinking how much this would have helped me when I was trying to create a similar piece in a class run by the library. I gave up trying but it was good to play and know what I didn't want to do! I commend anyone who does real life art! Lisa-Jane #9 https://www.prettymypage.co.uk/woyww-768/

  14. Interesting! I always thought "faggots" were Brit slag for cigarettes! The slipover look great. I am sure your cardigan is going to be lovely as well.

    Thanks for the vist and nice comment!
    Chana Malkah WOYWW #19

  15. Oh your watercolour is coming along nicely, all the layers is what gives the grass depth methinks, great that you are sticking at it. Hugs BJ#12

  16. Fair play on experimenting with the textures for the grass, I am with you I LOVE landscape artist of the year and agree, that tree is amazing. the slipover looks good too.
    Hope you have had a good week and thanks for visiting my desk already

  17. Hi Lynn.
    Yes, I remembered you are one of the crochet folks in our group. I love to crochet and have projects to finish this year. FINISH is my word of the year. The cardigan came out great! I can tell by the smile, he is quite pleased.
    Your painting is coming along beautifully! Not my thing But I have one I want to do as a mixed media piece... someday.
    Creative Blessings!
    Kelly #18


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