Tuesday 16 July 2024

WOYWW 789 Home again and back to squares

Hi all, we’re home now from our holiday in France. I put some more photos of Giverny, Amboise and Guédelon here if you’d like to see them:
Guédelon was fascinating, a 13th century fortress being built now, using medieval tools and techniques. There’s more about it here Guédelon castle 
My nöstepinne has been in use again as I’ve gone back to the granny square jumper I’m making. 

I go back to my summer watercolour school tomorrow where we’ll be painting some more Sarah Adams sea cave paintings, using collage. 
My St Tropez crochet handbag went down well with our goddaughter, Alexia, on her birthday:

I had requests for  two crochet workshops 
to teach Alexia’s cousin, Ornella to do granny squares and a grape harvest friend, Isabelle, for a Corner- to- Corner pattern. ( The same pattern I’m using for my squares above). 

Bella was so welcoming when we got home.

Cuteness central!
She’s now in her traditional position, not at all bothered by having my crochet laid out over her! 

And finally: 

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


Sarah Brennan said...

The funnies at the end did make me laugh Lynne. Looking forward to seeing the results of the latest watercolour classes. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW - Thanks for joining in. Sarah

Mary Anne said...

You are like Jan, so prolific! I feel very lazy when I see how much you guys manage in a week. Your crochet session is sure to be appreciated for years to come. Wonderful to pass it on to a new generation. And the funnies? HA! see Poppy on my post - she knows a sure way to get me to scoop her up, deposit her in her little raised bed, and give her a good brush, is to climb right on my desk and interfere with my mouse! If only she was so good at hunting REAL mice...
Yay! On the day…
Mary Anne (4)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Lol at the ManyPaws and yes, life would be a lot quicker if the menfolk listened the first time! Great pics from your travels, the castle looked amazing and the Leonardo inventions were astonishing. The pic of your crochet teaching was fun and nice to see that Alexia liked the bag so much!!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Anonymous said...

You are right that putting someone else’s cock ups is never easy….i just do my best. I love the colour you’re crocheting in and the stitch you’re using. It’s great that you’re passing on your skills to so many.
Annie x #6

Helen said...

Welcome home! I'll catch up with the photos on my computer and can see them properly ! Happy woyww Helen #1

Lisa-Jane said...

Lovely to see the bag in action and she was clearly thrilled with it. Love the teal yarn you're using for your granny squares. I've never seen a corner to corner version before. Have a splendid week, Lisa-Jane #11 www.prettymypage.co.uk

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you're back safely, sounds like you had good time. I love the blue on that yarn you're using and can't wait to see the new art work from your watercolour school. Loved the funnies too. Wishing you a very happy and creative week. Hugs Angela x10x

Crafting With Jack said...

Happy to be home? Bella is certainly happy you are back. That castle build is a magnificent project. I often think - how did they do it in those days? Must be fascinating to see, I hope there are more safety features than in days gone by. They are building a Roman Fort near us, unfortunately I can’t get there to see it, but hopefully they will have pathways for my mobility scooter in the future. Happy WOYWW. Angela # 12

Neet said...

I have followed a lot of your holiday on FB and enjoyed every moment you and Brian have spent over there. Some wonderful photos brought lots of places to my mind that I saw or wanted to. I love that you spent it with people you know and love that you were there for your God Daughter's birthday (loved her bag). I bet the two friends were much better than I was at crochet.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx