Tuesday 23 July 2024

WOYWW 790 Book sales and collage

Hi all, 
Here’s my desk this week. My summer watercolour class uses collage and watercolour for a sea cave picture this week. The original pictures are by Sara Adams. 

I'm not very happy with it but it’s better than my first attempt, below, I think. I don’t think I’m much good at collage. 
This one had too much newspaper and the sea was wrong. 
The last class is tomorrow ( Wednesday).
Last week was Hythe (Kent) Food and craft fair so I joined other local authors in selling our books. 

The weather was good but everyone commented that sales were slow. We didn’t have a gazebo but being outside meant we didn’t have to pay stall fees. 
Bella would rather have me doing crochet than being out selling books or painting as she can at least sit on my knee for crochet. 

She sends purrs to everyone. 
And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


Helen said...

I think your sea cave looks great! Sorry you had a slow day in the sun with sales, but you look as if you kept cool. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

If it’s any consolation, I find collage really hard to do as well - I mean, it should be simple but I just don’t have the knack! It’s always interesting to see what you do in the classes though, they’ve covered a lot of techniques. At least you were in the shade at the fair, nice to see some sun, it’s grey and drizzly here this morning. The runner beans are 17’ tall so someone’s loving the warm and wet weather!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Mary Anne said...

Oh what a shame sales were not all that. Maybe in the fall, when people are more interested in staying inside to read? Who knows why. There is so much competition out there for authors. But at least it wasn't raining, right? :) Thanks for the smiles - you find the best funnies...
Dashing around before knitting…
Mary Anne (2)

Sarah Brennan said...

Love that whale knitting with the fishing line Lynne. I don't see anything wrong with your sea caves. Sorry the sales were slow - hope the next one goes better. You can tell it's the summer holidays because I have had a lie in! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

Neet said...

If I could paint a sea like the one you did I would be happy. Wonder if you would have more success getting me to do that than the crochet? I like you picture, very much and am impressed with what you are doing - what a fabulous course this is.
Sorry about the lack of sales, guess some times they can be good craft fairs and some times not. Have you started writing your next one yet?
Tickles to Bella,
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Annie said...

I rather like your collages. They look fun to do.
Annie x #7

Lindart said...

You seascape looks great! We are always our own worst critics, aren't we? But in the end, it's you that needs to be happy with it. I hope your book sales were good, and I'm glad it didn't rain! Have a wonderful week, Lindart #15

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I hadn't realised that your painting was a collage until you said and then I zoomed in. I think it's really effective! Have a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #9, www.prettymypage.co.uk

Crafting With Jack said...

I think both paintings are good. If you crop the one below at the left side a few inches, you will see an immediate improvement. The extra newspaper distracts the eye. You have also got the lower darkness of the rocks in the first one, but you need to carry that darkness into the sea. The rocks are great. Sorry you probably didn’t want a lesson/critque, please don’t be offended. Hugs Angela #12

Crafting With Jack said...

Meant to tell you my granddaughter , sent me a little video of Chateau de Pierrefonds, where the TV series, Merlin was filmed. I wondered if you had seen it? Angela x

BJ said...

I struggled with collage initially, either too much paper or the paint obliterated it completely. Takes a bit of getting used to but it can add some subtle texture/interest to pieces. I think you're getting the hang of it, keep going. Hugs BJ#13

Susan Renshaw said...

Well it is already Monday and I am only just getting round to commenting. I was taking part in a virtual retreat which started on Thursday and finished last night - pretty full on - especially as I had other commitments too. Anyway now to finish all the workshops! I like your sea cave! I love collage work! Happy WOYWW! Susan #5