Tuesday 30 May 2023

WOYWW 730 Colours and cakes

Hi all, I’m back for our Wednesday blog hop courtesy of Julia at the Stamping-ground.blogspot
My chevron blanket strips are growing and have taught me something about myself. I most enjoy mixing colours to my own design, which is why the Chevron blanket won out against the Frida cardi. One day! 
I had more happy mail this week - an ATC from Susan Renshaw in Australia 
I’m also deep into proofreading, looking at every word and punctuation mark. You can see from these tabs that I’ve found a lot to change, despite the number of times I went through my manuscript. 

It seems my novel will now be published in July. I’ll let you know. 
I also baked an apricot and almond bara brith, as a photo and recipe for that will go onto the bookmark along with the cover, which the publisher’s designer is still mulling over. 

Bella and Gracie send purrs to you all. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW!
Lynnecrafts xxx


  1. Good luck with the proof reading . .
    Love your cartoons . .
    have a good week
    Christine #12

  2. Loving the way the chevrons are coming Lynne. Good luck with the rest of the proof reading. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15 (you can tell it's the holidays lol).

  3. Oh that last funny had me laughing 🤣🤣! That cake looks very tasty. Beautiful chevrons. Have a great week. Angela #11

  4. The Chevron blanket look really interesting to knit and loving the colours too. Gorgeous ATC too. Good luck with the proof reading. You think it's all right until you read through them again and then again probably. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x8x

  5. I can well imagine you are proof reading over and over. Nothing worse than finding a typo in a novel (I found one the other day in one of my 'cat who' books.)
    Love to get a copy of your novel but what is the bara brith to do with it, or am I reading this blog post wrong? Where will it be on sale please?
    Great chevron knitting, you really are a fab knitter.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. goodluck with the proof reading, I hope you aren't going cross-eyed! the atc from Susan is beautiful. thanks for visiting and your lovely comments about the flowers Helen #2

  7. I really like the colours you’re mixing in the chevrons, they really work well and it’s good to have the colour change where you want it! The bara brith looks lush and will be very tasty I’m sure. It’s amazing how, after all that reading, there are still typos, best to get it all sorted prior to publication.
    The weather has been so different in the West and East, it’s been very warm here, I caught the sun on Friday!
    Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

  8. Ugh. Proofreading. The Hubster says I really need an editor for my blog posts LOL! He might be right. My brain moves faster than my fingers can type, my keyboard is about 100 years old, and full of debris, but heck, I figure people will know what I mean so I don't let it bother m. But in books, yeah, gotta happen. Looking forward to hearing it's done. Loving the blanket and your sweet kitty, and your funnies make me laugh each week.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (1)

  9. You certainly have a good eye for colour mixing, love the chevron stripes. Hope you get the proof reading done soon and the novel is published on schedule. Hugs BJ#7

  10. This is for all deskers regarding the Refrigerator/Freezer (R/F) debacle so I don't have to answer questions about it. Friend Sally is a member of our neighborhood (NH) online group and checked to see what available in our NH. She found a guy selling a R/F who lived about five blocks from me. I walked over and, even though I wanted a French Door R/F with a bottom freezer, I decided to buy this used R/F the NH man promised to deliver to my home right away. I spent all of Wednesday evening and Thursday getting the food out of the old R/F and into the new one. The used fridge looks very much like my old one. In fact, they are the same size and design. The man guaranteed the R/F for 90 days, so I couldn't beat that. Now I can take my time and buy the R/F I want and get it delivered in the time I want and not feel pressured or experience any lost food.

    Your chevron blanket is looking good. I like the colors you chose.

    I LOVE proofreading. I can usually spot a misspelled word, poor punctuation, and split infinitives immediately. I wish you luck.

    I'd never heard of bara brith, so looked it up. It sounds delicious with tea and fruit. That will go on the cover?

    I loved Dennis the Menace. Colorblind! Happy WOYWW from # 3.


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