Tuesday 31 August 2021

WOYWW 639 Square dance

Hi all, I’m back for our weekly bloghop. Click on WOYWW to the right to find out more. 
I’ve improved my use of the joining zipper stitch this week. My tension was too tight. And I’ve discovered a new set of patterns for crochet squares. They are beautifully detailed self-coloured squares from the pattern below. Some have the virtue of looking more complex than they are, but others are trickier. I’m thinking of alternating the easier ones with my multi-coloured squares .

The example above is Shades of Teal from Polly Plum's pattern Stardust Memories
It’s a well- written booklet of patterns with videos. 
The cats have been doing advanced cuteness displays this week. Apart from the Wacky Races, they’ve both been posing upside down for me. 

Gracie above and Bella below. 

Gracie has this adorable way of getting kefir out of my breakfast glass. 
There’s a pub near here called the Cat and Custard Pot. It’s very much the same as their pubsign. 

We went for a walk along the seafront at Hythe yesterday afternoon. I do love living near the sea. It was warm but the clouds were dramatic. 

And finally…

Take care and keep on crafting!


Sarah Brennan said...

Bella and Gracie are just super cute Lynne - cats are so good at that. I like the idea of mixing the patterned single colour squares with your multicoloured ones. Stay safe and happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ooh, I do love those self patterned squares, they float my boat and look great all put together. That’s a dramatic sky, it’s been lovely here in BP but changed overnight and feels distinctly autumnal today. Loved the funnies, especially the last one, I’m never going to grow up 😁
Hugs LLJ xxxx

Annie said...

I love that you're using just two colours...very effective. Lovely view of your beach.
Annie x #2

Diana Taylor said...

I love the self patterned squares - the textures are beautiful but look way beyond my knitting abilities. I'm in the other Hythe, and the weather looks similar to yours but I think you are more picturesque than us!
Happy WOYWW,
Diana xx #8

Christine said...

What super patterns! Love self coloured squares, make lovely blankets for me.
Have a good week
Christine #19

BJ said...

Super crochet and the new designs will compliment your work so well.

Crafting With Jack said...

Love those crocheted squares, I haven’t seen crochet done like that before. Your cats look adorable in those poses, do they let you stroke their tummies? Happy WOYWW and have a great week Angela #10

Helen said...

I'm going to admire the sky first!! Stunning . The squares are great Helen #3

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Lovely little squares - I prefer your colour scheme to the example - the beige adds more character and it looks great with the blue. Your fur balls look adorable - Gracie with glass is priceless! Love the dramatic clouds and the funnies made me chuckle! Have a lovely week, Lynne! xx zsuzsa #20

Neet said...

Love those Polly Plum squares - think you should go for it and incorporate them with the others.
hugs, Neet xx12

craftyani said...

Love your crochet squares much better than my boring granny squares. Your kitties are gorgeous a little like mine over 16 years ago.Now have just the one her brother died 4 yrs ago. I love living by the sea but very rarely go there. Ani

Shoshi said...

Your squares are gorgeous, Lynne, and I just love the kitty pics this week, both champion gloopers! If you hop over to my blog, you can see Lily doing the same - mega-gloops, the shameless hussy!! Gracie is certainly getting down to business with your kefir, too. I hope she left some for you. Your funnies really made me chuckle this week!

Happy WOYWW, and a cuddle for the kitties,
Shoshi x #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Those sample squares are gorgeous and loving the colours too. I see no reason why you couldn't incorporate them with the others. Wishing you a lovely and creative woyww, Angela x6x

Spyder said...

love the squares and kitties and as always the funnies, missed them last week as I stil can't link or even get into Stamping ground so didn't do a post. so it Happy WOYWW from no number (LYn)

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your return visit, Lynne. So glad the raised bowls are helping Bella. Ruby's only been sick once since using them so I think they do work. I certainly have had a good week and just wish I had the time and energy to do all I want to do! The ideas are really sparking now.

Shoshi x

Empire of the Cat said...

Aww the kitties are so sweet, lovely girls. I love the photo with her paw in the kefir glass. Also loving the crochet squares. Happy WOYWW! Elle #11, EOTC

Susan Renshaw said...

I love that pub name!
I am sure your crochet squares are going to turn out lovely!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #7
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

SusanLotus said...

Lovely made squares.
And very sweet cats.

Have a great weekend!
Susan nr 23