Tuesday 8 February 2022

WOYWW 662 Cat tea cosy

Hi, just a quick post this time. The cluster headaches are back. 
I’ve been tempted away from my crochet this week to one of the Tea Cosy Folk creations. 
I’m waiting for the safety eyes to arrive, so it’s unfinished. 

The handle and spout come out at the sides. It’s a knitting pattern but I found the smaller pieces easier to do as crochet. 
The ginger cat’s tail has been redone as it looked rather…er….masculine. 

Yes Jan you can say ooh er missus! 

I’ll show you the finished item when the eyes arrive and I’ve stuffed the heads and sewn it all together.  

Cats are are wonderful comfort and have been doing some hard sleeping 

Bella likes playing and napping on the cat tree. 

And finally 

Take care and happy crafting


  1. Hope the cluster headaches resolve soon Lynne. Look forward to seeing the finished pieces. Meow to Gracie and Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Oh poor you Lynne, I got up earlier than normal because of a headache but I think it was just lack of drinks yesterday. cluster aches are horrid, can you do what the kitties do and sleep hard! So pleased that you’ve made a tea cosy….if you want a story about masculine, ask Jan about my first attempt at AmiGurumi….any old yarn and a pattern for an elephant….

  3. Love the knitting, what lovely colours.
    Love the procrastinate cartoon . . . think I'm gonna need that on my screen, made me laugh out loud!
    Christine #17

  4. I sympathise with the headaches, I am still suffering with mine. Love the tea cosie cats! Happy WOYWW Angela #9

  5. I don't think it's just cats. I've been trying to visit everyone today but Stan has decided he wants to go out....at least five times so far! Your tea cosies are wonderful and pleased the head is feeling better. Take care and happy woyww, Angela x10x

  6. How true the cat funny is.
    Sorry to hear about the cluster headaches, hope you can get them under control before too long.
    Love your teapot cosies - can well imagine the "oo er".
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  7. I’m late visiting as I’ve spent my day catching up after spending 6 hours putting my errors right. I hope those headaches ease off soon for you so life can return to normal. The knitting looks great.
    Annie x #5

  8. sorry to hear about the cluster headaches and hope they stop soon. Happy WOYWW anyway. take care. helen #24

  9. Love the 3rd cat-toon! Hope you get to feeling better.
    Have a great week!
    Carol N #17

  10. Hope your headaches ease off soon! Love the teapot cosies, ooh err missus I can imagine the cat's tail lol. The cat funny at the end made me laugh. I don't have cats, but my daughter does, and that sums them up! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #2

  11. Nice cat funnies, and beautiful cat photos. I do not know what cluster headaches are but sounds bad whatever they are. I hope you get to feeling better. Lovely teapot cozies, too. Have a better week. Sharon #25

  12. Sorry about the headaches - mine is due to the vax so I know it will be gone soon (thank goodness)so I feel for you for sure. Love how you mixed knitting and crochet to suit the pattern. Clever girl. Hang in there and be well.

    Late again . . . but so very VAXED :)
    Mary Anne (3)


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