Tuesday 22 February 2022

WOYWW 664 blues and colour dreams

Hi, I hope you’re all safe and well after the recent storms.  We were lucky. There are houses nearby with no power but ours only went off briefly a few times. This was from the other side of our village. 

My desk this week is its usual mess. 

The grid for my Roman banners is on the left, as I’m alternating between knitting another one and crocheting Brian’s slipover. The front is growing and I’ve another 10cm to do before dividing for the V neck. 

My eye was caught this week by a yarn that looked to be a beautiful melange of blues and rust on the Lovecrafts site. 
When I looked on the manufacturer’s site, though, there was a lot more white in it and I didn’t like it so much. 

I’ve learned always to check on a couple of sites what a yarn really looks like. So now I have a dream of combining blues and rusts from yarn in my stash. 
Here’s a start. 

I want to make myself a cardigan with crazy patterns, a bit like this, but in the shades above. 
This is a photo of Gracie hoping for a bowl of cat milk. She only gets it if Brian brings me breakfast in bed in the morning, but she’s always hopeful. I don’t know who’s more spoilt, her or me 😼. 

. I really didn’t feel like taking a photo when she jumped onto the bed at 6am today, though, soaking wet. 😼. Of course I’ll dry you! 

 Bella has much taken to the cat tree. 

And finally..
Well done Jan! Last week’s cartoon was from Monty Python “No one expects the Spanish Inquisition”. (especially in the bagging area…)
This week, Dr Who cartoons are more prevalent…

Take care and happy crafting!


  1. Had to laugh at the thought of painting the inside of the TARDIS Lynne. Maybe the funny on my page should replace chef with chat lol. I love the idea of combining rust and blues too. Look forward to seeing how you get on making your own combination yarn. Stay afe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #?

  2. Happy WOYWW. I laughed out loud at your final images, and also the cat stuff. Our Milky gets more restless and demanding as she gets older (she is 15 in May). She regularly wakes me in the early hours by demanding to come into our bedroom (we always shut the door in hope that she will stay asleep downstairs on the sofa), by scratching at the carpet (which gets me out of bed immediately!). She then will not settle, unless I go to the spare room. There, for some unknown reason, she will let me sleep. Thankfully, it is a comfy bed in there and a lovely quiet room, but I could still do without the disturbance. Ali x #14

  3. Great funnies there! Thanks.
    Love the colours of the new wool apart from the white bits. It might have tempted me if it had been ink those colours as I have a yearning for a cardi done with random wool. Not clever enough a knitter to attempt what you are planning to do.
    Lovely kitties as always.
    Hugs, neet 3 xx

  4. that pattern you want to knit is stunning... good luck! the funnies are great this week, especially the tardis one! Helen #9

  5. The Procrastination one made me laugh out loud! Love the colours of that yarn but how disappointing to see the other pic, making your own colour combo sounds so much better. You were fortunate in not having power cuts, so were we….the winds were still high today, horizontal wind socks going over the Severn bridge. O vv happy with his new flat and grateful that we were there to 7npavk boxes and help.
    Hugs Lon 8 xx

  6. Great funnies! That design you are thinking of knitting lovely, I like the colours in the slipover too. Angela #2

  7. Looks like you're planning to be busy again. Wew've been lucky too so far and no power cuts. Nice yarn too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x5x

  8. Yes, great cat funnies! Your knitting is pretty, and I like the colors of the yarn. Thanks for the peek at your desk and what you are doing. #24

  9. Ha love the alien abduction! I love the colours that you’ve chosen to do your cardi in, but I also love the crazy patter very much, it will be lovely! Interesting that it’s worth checking a picture of a knitted sample, that variegated yarn looks so different, I agree about the white, it’s quite a surprise to one who rarely buys yarn!

  10. Loving the idea of a crazy cardigan, and like you I find I really have to hunt for a site that shows the yarn knit up in a project so you can see what it could look like. UNlike you I actually like that sample :) Your funnies always make me smile :D

    Happy WOYWW
    Mary Anne (4)

  11. Smiling away at your cartoons 😅😁 and looooving the feast for the eyes with your colourful yarns... I hope you get your cardigan made... such inspiration loooving it! Big hugs Tracy #23 xxxxx

  12. Great funnies!
    Loved seeing all the yarn pictures - colours and products!
    Happy WOYWW!
    Susan #13

  13. Love the funnies and the blues in those yarns are gorgeous! Happy belated WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God bless, Caro xxx (#10)


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