Tuesday 4 April 2023

WOYWW 722 Book cover and ends, endless ends

Hi all, 
When I did my sketch for the cover of my upcoming novel ‘to be turned into a cover by a competent artist,’ Himself raised an eyebrow. 
I remembered that today so I’ve decided to do more work on it. Here’s my desk, with Inktense pencils spread all over it. Of course, I don’t have the shades suitable for flesh, or silver, so I’ve ordered some more from Derwent, who have a ‘choose your own box’ feature for a discount. The wait’s annoying but there you go. 

I made all my twiddles There are about 60 here, 40 for my cannula sleeves and the rest for the Handmade for Dementia fb group member who requested some. Lots of forget-me-nots and other flowers, cats, rabbits, boats and even a pink elephant. 
I was asked last week for the difference between a twiddler and a cannula sleeve. A cannula, or drip needle, is often problematic for hospital patients with dementia, who pull them out or get them infected. The cannula sleeve goes from cuff to above the elbow, it’s lined with knitting and avoids all choke hazards. It’s made to a pattern controlled by the leader of the Handmade for Dementia fb group, and was designed by a dementia nurse. 
I joined the group after my Mum died - she was given a twiddler which didn’t meet these standards. I’m sure many twiddlers are of high standards but I worry about buttons and fluff on some I see. 

I’m in the middle of sewing up my 10 cannula sleeves- ends, endless ends! 

We’ve had fun with Gracie this week. A neighbour’s cat, not sure whose, has been coming in and eating their food at night. 
We never used the selective entry feature of our cat flap (based on their id chips) as Gracie was scared of the beep. I’ve worked out how to use the silent mode and today she grumpily deigned to use it at last! 
 You wouldn’t believe this was the same cat. She came in wet and cold last week, so I covered her in the duvet to warm her up. 

Bella’s modelling excessive cuteness here. 

And finally:

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


  1. Glad you are able to keep the strange cat out now without upsetting your kitties. Looking forward to seeing the complete book cover - hope the new pencils arrive soon. Happy Easter. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #8

  2. Your twiddlers are fab. I made a few forget me not flowers for mine. Seemed appropriate. Happy Easter. x x Jo

  3. Well done Derwent pencils! Their website says delivery in ‘3 to 5 working days’ so with Easter I was counting up to the middle of next week. Nope, it’s coming tomorrow via courier. Happy Easter to me!

  4. Love the various flowers on your Twiddlers. I knew you did the canula mitts but not the Twiddlers.
    How exciting designing your own cover for your very own novel. I do hope you get the pencils in time for Easter and then you can spend some of the holiday happily crayoning away.
    Good luck with the book cover. Will there be a kitten on it?
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  5. Have fun with the Inktense, I have a set too and really love them! Great job with the twiddles, you’ve done so many brilliant ones and the colours are so bright and cheery! We’ve got a good day ahead, shame the weather’s not great but out for lunch and the boys are going to see a nerdy film in Llanelli tonight! I know Owen has thanked you for his present but I’d like to as well, you’re so kind and thoughtful and we do appreciate it xx
    Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

  6. Dear me! What a lot of twiddlers and sleeves. And you did make me laugh at your comment re: novel cover and "competent artist". As to cats, I recall when we first moved in here, I looked up and saw a cat, perched atop the excessive wisteria that grew over the door (poor postie had to duck to get thru to the letterbox!) looking at me thru the window. Wasn't sure if this had been her home at one point or if she was just having a look. Anyway, she went and never came back. and now we have our own- Yay!
    Happy WOYWW, with cat!
    Mary Anne (2)

  7. I love your twiddlers and sleeves Lynne 🌈❤️πŸ’Ÿ you've been a very busy lady ⭐️ Yaaay on your book coming together,here's to your pencils arriving tomorrow whoot whoot πŸ€—πŸ€ž Sending cuddles to Bella and Gracie πŸˆπŸ’•πŸˆhere's to Gracie taking to the cat flap now all is silent plus no more strange cats 😘 have a lovely Easter weekend,much love and hugs Tracy #9 xxxx

  8. Wow all that knitting and all those ends, hope you see the end of it all soon. Hugs BJ#5

  9. Love the comics! The last one especially, as I have to give the tick and flea medication to my two kitties, who both hate it and can see me coming with the tiny vial from miles away! You certainly have been busy! It is hard waiting for things to arrive that you want NOW!!! Have a wonderful Easter, Lindart #20


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