Tuesday 18 April 2023

WOYWW 724 French cafes and frogging

Hi all,
Hope you’ve had a good week. 
I’ve spent a lot of time on the cover for my novel this week, playing with my Inktense pencils. 

At the back of my tray are a couple of bamboo boxes I’ve bought to corral my pencils etc while in use. 
Here’s the latest version
Hopefully it’s much more clearly a Parisian cafe now. 
I’ve also had a play with a few ATCs, but more about them next month. I’m sure you’re much further along than me. 😀
My nostepinne has been working hard this week as I’ve been frogging (unroving) my crochet cardigan. The yarn is quite resistant to frogging  so it’s a slow process- I only resorted to the scissors once. It had become too wide, so now I’m crocheting up again and trying to keep it straight. 

We may go to Hole Park to see the bluebells tomorrow so I may be late commenting. I adore the idea of Gardens whose bluebells are so famous they have their own bluebell barometer..It’s at Bluebell barometer

Bella and Gracie send purrs to you all. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xxx


  1. The cover is looking great Lynne - definitely Parisian. Enjoy the bluebells. Meow to Gracie and Bella. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4

  2. Hi there Lynne! The book cover is looking good is and is definitely more Parisian, hope you’ve had fun with the Inktense pencils. I loved the thought of a bluebell barometer, hope you’ve got as lovely weather as it is here in BP, you’re in for a treat of colour. My mum always loved seeing the bluebell carpets in Savernake forest back in Wiltshire, always out for her birthday xx
    Hugs LLJ 3 xxx

  3. I've never heard of a nostepinne before so was interested to see you using one. Loved the funnies.
    Annie x #7

  4. Love the cover, defo French . ..
    Shame about the crochet but it will look good when finished. I spend more time undoing when knitting than actually knitting, absolutely hopeless at it but still trying. Give me crochet every time!
    Have a good week
    Christine #15

  5. Have fun with that cardigan...I did that once with an afghan. Noticed issue after the fact.................... Your Gracie and Bella are always adorable. Such talent making that cover. And enjoy the Bluebells they sound beautiful. Maybe photos next week? I don't know of large groupings here. We have Tulips a big Festival in southern Iowa in a few weeks. Happy WOYWW enjoy a great week

  6. I came across a photo of our garden when we first moved in. The back has a kind of 'secret' section that cannot be seen for bushes etc and the whole of that patch was a sea of bluebells. I don't know where they have gone, certainly not dug up by us.
    Love the cover, oh oui!
    Hugs, Neet xx 5

  7. Hellooo Lynne,Bella and Gracie ... I hope you're away enjoying the bluebells ❤️💕💛 hoping you'll capture them 📷 in photos to share 😘 Can I ask what a nostepinne is ... I like the sound as I say it ☺️ and now very curious 🙃 Have a gorgeous week,love and hugs Tracy #11 xxx

  8. Loving the kitty funnies and Bella and Gracie too. The book cover is looking good. Let me reassure you I still have plenty to do with the ATCs. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x6x

  9. Your cover is going to be fab I'm sure. You have worked hard on developing it. Fancy having a bluebell barometer - great idea isn't it. I love bluebell woods. x x Jo

  10. Liking the cover a lot. Hope you enjoy the bluebells - they seem late at Kew this year, were hardly any out last week, but will see what they are like on Saturday! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

  11. That last funny made me chuckle. I wonder how much gets spent on our pets, that was not money well spent! Some wool is hard to unravel, patience is a virtue x Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

  12. OOh err, Cafe Daguerre! French cafe for sure now, no doubt! And no, I’m not ahead of you on the ATC front, this collection of WOYWW posts is inciting mild panic in me!

  13. Ah the nostepinne...I have one (sort of) that, like my niddy noddy, I made out of PVC piping. And this will make you laugh - I am hoping this summer The Hubster and I will make a CATIO (Cat Patio) for poor Poppy. She was once an outdoor cat but where we live, with school buses and unruly kids and boy-racers tearing down to the gym, it's just not safe. This way she can be outside but protected. Best of both worlds I think. PVC piping again, so hopefully less likely to rot! Sweet kitties, funny funnies too.
    Happy WOYWW (back to being late- ARRGGH!)
    Mary Anne (2)

  14. Good morning, Lynne.
    Let me know if you need a beta reader for your novel. I'm not brave enough to do my own covers but I do have a fabulous cover artist.
    Cat-funnies are top notch this week and so on point LOL. Silly felines.
    I'd never heard of a bluebell barometer. interesting tidbit this week!
    Creative Blessings! Kelly #17


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