Tuesday 31 October 2023

WOYWW 752 Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween to you all, or Samhain or All Souls, whichever rocks your boat. 
I’m thinking of my baby blanket as a sensory blanket, with different colours and textures. 
It’s coming along, I’ve crocheted 2 strips of 5 squares, have another one to do and then joining the 3 and a border to do.  

The writing group I take part in is doing a Halloween stories evening with food tonight, (Tuesday). 

I tried making cinder toffee but it wouldn’t set so I’ve bought some gory sweets. I have two stories, one for kids and one about Napoleon’s engineer haunting the Channel Tunnel.  Others are making a chilli and more cakes. 
Brian’s made Welsh cakes and I’ll be in costume, which I tried out at Lyminge market on Sunday. Brian calls my hat my Maggie Smith hat 🥹

It poured with rain so no good for sales, but I had an interesting conversation with the Lyminge librarian, which might be useful. 

We’re just back from the Halloween event. It was raining again! We had half a dozen kids with their families and had a good time. The lights were low (pumpkins lit with nifty electric tea lights) so not good for photos and I didn’t feel I should take pictures of other people’s children these days. A few got involved with the activities but there was one little boy who glued himself to my side till I had finished the story. Sweet! 
In the adult stories, I had a pompous ghost, Napoleon’s engineer, Thomé de Gramond, haunting the Channel Tunnel, an Irish friend had a really scary story about a banshee, there was a mysterious death at a school (in the Ghosts by the Sea anthology which is free on Kindle unlimited), some stone angels, a North witch, and a story about ghosts in the afterlife. 

Bella and Gracie send purrs, Gracie from behind my shoulder and Bella from my lap. 

And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xxx


  1. Shame the weather spoiled events at the weekend and last night, and I fear it will be a very wet Kew on Saturday...again!! the blanket is progressing well though. Happy WOYWW Helen #5

  2. Making quick visits at the hotel. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

  3. The Halloween stories evening sounds fun - I'm sure you delighted the audience with your stories! Kitties looking so cushy! Happy November! xx zsuzsa #8

  4. Looking good as the witch, complete with Maggie Smith hat, lol! I’m glad you enjoyed the story evening too, it sounds a lot of fun and a good alternative to the Trick or Treat stuff which I detest!
    The colours of the blanket are really lovely, it’s going to be a great prezzy.
    Hugs LLJ 7 xx

  5. Me again! Hope you will batten down the hatches from tomorrow onwards, looks like you and I are going to get the worst of the storms. Take care and keep warm! Xx

  6. Oh dear I am chuckling about that 'full size snickers'. Every year I used to buy all the rubbish sweets for Halloween and end up with leftovers. So now I push the boat out and only buy nice things that I will eat. We get very few trick or treaters these days so I am usually well set for chocolate in November!! Sorry the rain kept people away from your event - it is all getting rather tedious isn't it? I have plans to do the last tidy up of the garden but every day I have time everything is just soaked! Which reminds me, I should bring in the seat cushions so they can air before I pack them up for the winter (they are under cover thankfully). Have a great week, love n hugs Cindy xx #11

  7. Those squares are coming along. Your Halloween evening sounds fun - wish they did something like that here. Librarians are the best (says the ex-Librarian LOL!) so hopefully whatever info she imparted it will boost your sales.
    Flying visit before knitting…
    Mary Anne (3)

  8. Happy WOYWW. Your funnies definitely made me chuckle this week. The Halloween night sounded fantastic. I love ghost stories. I wanted to go to a ghost hunt at a local manor house, but knew that it would be too much for me - physically and emotionally. How did I miss that you had a book published? Will go and search it out. Ali x #14

  9. What a fabulous evening your group planned, wish there was something like that happening around here. Much better for the kiddies than going out trick or treating.
    Love the hat and can see your hubbies reasoning behind the naming ceremony (aha, naming ceremony - not intentional)
    Hugs, Neet xx 1

  10. Your hallowe'en was eventful, sounds like a lot of fun. I'm with Brian about the Maggie Smith hat, although you could actually be her professor character too!

  11. The top funny made me smile. My mother would always say things like that to us. Wish I could have been with you on story night! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  12. Lots of great photos. It was 20 some degrees here so Halloween was run fast, bundle up ...Our town had a Sunday event for the kids at our Community Center so I think they all had fun. Happy November and Stay Warm.

  13. Sounds like you had a fun Halloween, too bad about the rain. Rain (or snow) doesn't seem to bother our Canadian kids. we get just as many! Have a great week, Lindart #19

  14. Hi Lynne, I'm here at last! As usual the boiler man didn't arrive until lunchtime and then I had to keep the dogs busy while hubby looked after him. By the time that was over and I caught up with a few other jobs it was evening, don't know where the time goes. The weather has been up and down here too but fairly dry today. The craft day with my friends is next week. Wishing you a late but happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x10x

  15. Shame about the weather but looks like you got some networking in!
    Have a good week
    Christine #16

  16. Just noticed your earlier visit . . . thank you. Yes, I have sent a long email to PALS detailing everything and suggesting that if they can't refund my taxi fare then they should set up a pathway to avoid this happening to any other older person. I doubt if I'll hear anything but it helped.


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