Tuesday 14 November 2023

WOYWW 754 Rusts and blacks

Hi all, sorry if I didn’t get around everyone last week. I’ll try and do better!
I was quite down after last Thursday’s art class. Our tutor had us copying these wonderful sea cave paintings by Sarah Adams. 

Many of the class were using charcoal but she said I could try with my Inktense pencils. I just couldn’t get the black dark enough and thought I’d have to start again. 
I watched a video today on Derwent’s site and understood that to get more intense colours, I have to use a palette, mix the colours with a brush then layer them. 
I’m happier with my painting now and will do more to it this week. 

It seemed a shame to work in black and white when she has all those gorgeous colours in the rock. 
I’ve also restarted a crochet slipover which was in my WIP pile from 2 years ago. 

It had come up too small and then I got distracted…
In the meantime Malabrigo has discontinued the gingery colour. Grrrr! 
I carefully frogged the piece and found I had more of the pepper alpaca but not the ginger wool. 
Plan B: I’ve bought a few different rusty colours and I’ll do the woollen stripes in the different colours I have. At least it’s one less abandoned WIP! 
Here’s Gracie helping me. 
She and Bella send purrs to you all. 

This Saturday we’re selling my novel at a local fair.

We’re in a marquee so I hope the weather won’t be too bad! 🤞🏻🤞🏻☔️
And finally…

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx


  1. I am glad you are happier with your painting now Lynne. Love the colours of the reworked top. Meow to Bella and Gracie. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #1

  2. Well you should be happy with that painting I would not know where to start!! Loving the colours of that wool, just gorgeous. Great funnies, I liked the surprise witness best!! Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #12

  3. It’s so easy to get disheartened with art isn’t it? I know the joy is supposed to be in the creating of something but that goes out of the window when it’s not playing ball. I’m glad that you feel better after researching what to do with the Inktense, hope you have fun this week! I laughed out loud when you mentioned Crivens as we’d already mentioned that and Rhys had asked if I’d be making a blue version, lol!! We call ours Big Yan as that’s a lot easier than Bigger than medium sized Jock etc etc *grin*
    Love the colours of your WiP and while it was a pain re the unavailable yarn, I think the new version is nicer!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  4. I love how your have reworked the knitting and love your choice of colours. I'm also pleased that you sorted out how to get the effects you wanted with the artwork.
    Annie x #6

  5. Glad you're getting some good black colour down. . Love the knitting but boo to the discontinued colour. Thanks for visiting. Helen #2

  6. Shame about the discontinued colour. But you seem to have sorted it out. Someone I know calls them UFO’s. Unfinished objects? I have lots in my work room. I find charcoal a little messy, black is a tricky colour sometimes. Good luck with your book sales. Happy WOYWW Angela #4

  7. Lovingnthose rusty colours of your yarns, interesting photos and enjoyed the funnies.. Good luck at the fair on Saturday too. Wishing you a happy and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x11x

  8. Well I'm loving the mix of colours in the re-working of the WIP. And of course, loving that you're getting it done too, good on you. Super that you're getting about with your book, each sale must be a bit of a joy. Wrap up warm for the weekend..whatever the weather, sitting still in a marquee will cause cold legs!

  9. Oh my goodness, shame they couldn't have explained stuff in the art class about the black. When I did the watercolour panda, she had us do the panda navy blue before adding the black on top after it had dried. The depth in your is gorgeous though, felt like I was in the cave and could hear the sea against the rocks. Is frogging undoing perchance, not familiar with the term, but love what you have done to mix in new shades of rusty colours, well done you. Hugs #13

  10. I'm glad you are happier with your painting. It made me think of how incredibly lucky we are with our technology. Twenty years ago you wouldn't have been able to just watch a video on how to figure out what you needed to do to get the colours you wanted. Things have changed and advanced so much in such a short period of time. 30 years ago when I started stamping we had nothing except Yahoo groups and stamping videos I had to purchase to learn new techniques! I love the colours of yarn that you found, they will look awesome! Big meows to Bella and Grace! Have a great week, thanks for your visit! Lindart #18

  11. Happy Belated WOYWW. I think your art is wonderful, whichever version I look at. Very difficult to work with such dark colours. Shame the yarn is discontinued, but you have definitely worked out how to get round that. Hope you are busy and keep warm at the Christmas Fair. I have nearly finished your book and will take it to my friend's charity shop, as they love to have a well-stocked bookshelf. Ali x #16

  12. Glad you sorted out how to get the depth of colour and well done on cracking on with a WIP. Hope the sale went well at the weekend too?
    Thanks for visiting my desk already


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