Tuesday 9 January 2024

WOYWW 762 Cowl crochet and colours

Hi all, I hope you’re keeping well and warm. It’s freezing in Kent this week (not on a North American scale but cold for us.)
I’m re-reading Bill Bryson’s wonderful Notes from a Small Island at the moment and he reminded me: “A blizzard is when you can’t get your front door open. Drifts are things that make you lose your car till spring. Cold weather is when you leave part of your flesh on doorknobs.” 
I know, Bill, but I feel cold, apart from when I’m helpless with laughter at your antics in a Dover guesthouse or at you drunkenly trying to get back through a revolving door into the Adelphi in Liverpool. 

My cowl is progressing and I like the variegated purple against the green, as well as the lighter border. 
Bella is helping me, here, while Gracie practices radiator worship. 

I’m getting ready for my watercolour class, which starts on Thursday. 

I’ve had a list of which colours and brushes to bring, but there are a few extras in the tin of tubes, just in case!
And finally…

Stay well and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xx



  1. Oh that book title made me laugh out loud Lynne. The new cowl is looking great. Have a great time at your watercolour class. Meow to the kitties. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

  2. Good morning Lynne, I just saw your post as I was about to leave for work.. Hope you enjoying the painting class. Bill Bryson is very funny; but you're right it's cold (heavy frost outside here this morning, not looking forward to the walk to work but it will warm me up!) Happy WOYWW Helen '#1

  3. Your last funny had me pondering for a moment!! Yes it is cold this week in London - or cold enough for me at least, bit of a wimp when it comes to winter. Still at least the sun shone yesterday!! Loving the colour of your cowl. The cats have got the right idea! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #10

  4. There are few authors whose books made me laugh out loud and Bill Bryson is definitely Number 1!! I’ve got to reread these now, I do remember how he manages to capture so many British foibles, perhaps that’s why he enjoys living here so much. Love the colours of the cowl and don’t those paints look inviting, hope your class is fun! I’d like to send you some sunshine, am blowing the wind harder so it comes your way - from the look of the forecast I think we’re due for some snow next week!
    Hugs LLJ 5 xx

  5. Great cowl, super colours. I agree about Bill Bryson , I have several of his books on my bookshelf which is in the boxroom . . . . hope to clear that room this year so I will read them all again.
    In the meantime enjoy the rest of the book and stay warm
    Christine #14

  6. I love the colours of your cowl and am looking foward to seeing what you paint...have fun.
    Annie x #9

  7. Great cowl, you will soon be wearing it. I have not read any of Bill Bryson, it made me think of Mamma Mia as one of the leading characters wrote travel books. I don’t know if it was that or your descriptions, but I have just order it from Amazon! Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

  8. Yesterday the wind was 'biting' - it really hurt as it hit my face. Thank goodness today is not as bad. Enjoy your reading and stay in the warmth.
    The cowl is looking great too.
    Hugs, Neet 4 xx

  9. Your funnies always make me smile. The cowl is looking lovely, great colours. It's definitely been cooler here this week. I don't know Bill Bryson but just might have to get one of his books. Wishing you a very happy WOYWW. Hugs, Angela x11x

  10. Your cowl is so pretty! Enjoy your class! I just started a WC class...I don't know. Painting may just not be my thing! I look forward to seeing some of your work!

    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #19

  11. Bart and I often listen to BB easing his material on long journeys. Notes from A Small Island is a repeating joy! Glad you're enjoying it again too! Loving the cowl colour and the herringbone look of the stitch, it's very clever!


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