Tuesday 16 January 2024

WOYWW 763 Cowls, cakes and Watercolour

Hi all, hope you’re keeping warm! It’s still glacial here. 
My desk this week was at my art class, where we’ve started this term’s watercolour with learning different techniques: wet on dry, wet on wet, dry brushing, lifting out etc. 
I now understand why ‘cauliflowers’ or runbacks occur (adding wet to dryer sections), although I’ve accidentally made them for years. This week will be colour mixing then we get to do a paint project. 
My Twixtmas cowl is now finished, and very welcome in this weather!
I’ve now worked out how to use one of my Xmas presents. It needs to hang freely to spin, so it’s suspended from knitting needles poking out of my craft shelf. The cats aren’t sure about it, but they know the rule, only Lynne plays with yarn in this house. 😉
It stops my yarn running away, anyway. 

I’ve just finished baking Seville Orange and almond cakes. I saw this recipe in Macknade’s site and felt like making a seasonal cake. Theirs doesn’t have almonds but I do like them in a cake. It’s a nicely tangy cake but I’d reduce the amount of sugar next time. The recipe has icing but I leave that out. 
Bella loves her Crispmouse mouse! Gracie sometimes shows an interest. They both send purrs to you all. 

And finally..,

Take care and happy WOYWW 
Lynnecrafts xxx


  1. Loving the cowl Lynne and certainly needed at the moment. The cake looks yummy too. That sounds like a most useful class. Meow to Bella and Gracie. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

  2. The watercolour class sounds great, some useful techniques to be learned - I really hope that you get a lot from the course. The cowl is lovely and perfect for these freezy temps, we were thinking of going for a walk on Cefn Sidan but my eyes were watering just going to S World this morning (1.5lbs off, hurrah) The first funny made me hoot, that’s just what I looked like when I used to go busing with the brass band, 93 layers and couldn’t bend my arms….I wasn't’ cold though, lol!!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xx

  3. Glad the cowl is keeping you warm . The cake sounds yummy ! Happy woyww Helen #1

  4. A cosy cowl is always useful in this chilly weather. I am quite happy keeping cosy indoors just now. I loved the funnies. x x Jo

  5. What a nifty yarn spinner! Never seen the like before. The cowl is going to really help with this cold weather. It's freezing! And OMB the kitty IT killed me - toooo funny!
    Happy WOYWW Day!
    Mary Anne (4)

  6. Oh I love the colors of your Twixtmas cowl Sure great to have with this fridged weather. Hear too, better days ahead it looks like. Hugs to Bella and Gracie

  7. It sounds like you are learning a lot already from the painting course, it sounds great. I love the cowl, the colours are gorgeous - I've crocheted three and given them away, I really need to make one for myself in all this perishing cold weather. Lovely to see the girls warm, cosy and playful!
    Have a lovely week,
    Diana xx #13

  8. It's been very cold here today too. Your Cowl is going to be very useful in this weather. I might pop over to yours as the cake looks scrummy. Love the funnies too. Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

  9. Both the cowl and the cake look yummy - although I have no desire to eat the cowl🤣🤣. Enjoy the warmth of the cowl and the great taste (I am sure) of the cake. My Bill Bryson book should have arrived yesterday :( apparently running late! Happy WOYWW Angela #15

  10. Love your cowl and well done for working out how to use your new tool…just hope your fur babies don’t find it fun too.
    Annie x #10

  11. Your cowl is beautiful! The watercolor class sounds great. Looking forward to seeing your first project.
    Your cake looks and sounds delicious.

    Good luck with your class and your new tool!
    Chana Malkah, WOYWW #6

  12. Oh the perfect markings for a kitty IT cat..love it! Fascinating techniques with the watercolours, I laughed at the 'cauliflowers', something I've unknowingly done practically every time I've wielded a brush with a pot of water! Perfect timing with the cowl, it really looks great. Already fed up of the arctic feel to this week, am convinced I was born in the wrong hemisphere!

  13. Super cowl and love the joke about putting all the layers on - LOL. The watercolour classes sound great, I really ought to look for a local one too, but as you said we've probably come across the processes in our fumblings without realising. Hugs BJ#14

  14. Glad the cowl is ready for the cold weather, nice job! Love the look of your baking, I have a tea loaf that i reduce the sugar in. Fine to me with half the amount.Well, sorry I am so late commenting. Had an accident Tuesday in the house (not in the snow) and am in a bit of a mess. Knee gashed open and can't be stitched as I must have left some skin on the carpet. Ribs broken. It really is a mess and going to take a long time to get knee right.
    Ah well! Hugs, Neet 7 xx


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