Tuesday, 30 March 2021

WOYWW 617 Here comes the sun

Hi all, I’m back for another Wednesday blog hop courtesy of Julia at The Stamping Ground. Join in with us!
Here’s my desk this week. A big box of origami paper is on the left. 

Having added brads and shiny gold ribbon the boxes in blue with green twist boxes started to look rather tatty compared with the ones made of washi paper.  

I’m thinking of re-doing them. The twist boxes that sit on top are a bit awkward to do in washi paper, but I’m persevering. 

Another little annoyance is this brand of glue rollers. The tape spews out and tangles horribly.


 I’ve not done much crafting this week. I’m in the middle of a creative writing project that is progressing well at the moment, and the weather has been lovely. 
It is apparently going to be awful for Easter so best to make the most of it this week. 

We went out for a walk along the Warren to the East of Folkestone.

Also, I actually mowed the lawn yesterday. It may not seem much, but with illness and broken bones: ankle, (twice) left arm & shoulder, numerous ribs etc over the last 5 years, I’ve not done it for a long time. (I’m on osteoporosis treatment now).
Of course himself thinks he has to go over it to tidy up the “bits I missed” (grrrr) but I’m pleased anyway. 
We’re cheering on our apricot trees at present. The flowers rarely survive into fruit but we feel hopeful when we see the blossoms. 

Thea sends a MRRP to all your cats. She’s  a little cat with a big purr (and a big attitude😼).
It’s lovely to see her going out to the garden again and it’s a joy when she runs down the garden to me. 

No idea what she’s watching!

I found this one I mentioned earlier

Take care all and keep crafting!


Crafting With Jack said...

It is lovely to have sunshine and blue skies. I have not seen washi paper anywhere - not that I have been looking :) I bet Thea was watching a fly, the insects are starting to come out now. My husband said he saw a butterfly today. Great funnies Happy WOYWW and Happy Easter Angela #5

Helen said...

Enjoy that gorgeous sun whilst it lasts - I need to cut my grass too, it's a chore I hate. Love your boxes! Helen #10

Sarah Brennan said...

I must admit that I haven't come across washi paper Lynne. I assume it is very thin. Good look with your writing project. Mrrp back to Thea. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #9

Lisa-Jane said...

Goodness that does look fiddly and I bet every paper is slightly different. I hate tape rollers that do that which is why I switched to the ATG but plenty of people hate those too! I used to like the American Crafts tapes but they stopped doing them which is really annoying when you find something that's awesome! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #3

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Beautiful shared views Lynne i'm sure they will be so inspirational for your creative writing.
I'm not a fan of tape rollers or should I say they are not a fan of me. Thea looks very happy out in the garden.
Take care and Happy WoywW Tracey #7

BJ said...

Oh pretty little boxes, I'm going to have to give those a go.

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Woohoo for getting out and mowing the grass! Perfect weather for doing it, we’ve been outdoors a lot this week and are trying to make the most of it before it turns colder at the weekend. There’s lots of people in the area now lockdown has been relaxed so G and I are picking our times when we go out for a walk. Those little boxes are very sweet and I marvel at your patience! Those tape spool things are spawn of the devil in my opinion but I don’t know what would be better/easier to handle.
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Neet said...

Ohk Lynne, don't they make the most beautiful washi papers. My friend has a Japanese friend who often brings her a pile of it when he visits England. His mother sends it to her as well. Not that she shares it and I don't see her use it, guess it is one of those things she just hordes.
Why not add some little embellishments to the plain ones rather than redo them.
Enjoy this sunshine whilst you can
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Annie said...

Well done you for mowing the lawn....a real achievement. Enjoy the sunshine while we’ve got it.
Annie x #14

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I'm impressed you're allowed near the lawn mower it's a man's private kingdom at our house though to be honest I don't mind as it's a monster thing and acts up every now and then. If I was cutting the grass I wouldn't have such a thing I preferred the little push thing that my parents had but then our lawn is quite a bit bigger. Your little boxes are lovely and must take a while to put together. I promise you will soon know what's been going on over at mine too. Have a lovely crafty week and hopefully some sunshine too. Hugs, Angela x21x

Anonymous said...

Wow, you've had a tough time but glad to see you're pushing through. It's the little things that will get us back to "normal". Hope you continue to improve and enjoy the beautiful weather. Dorlene #30

Shoshi said...

I never go near the lawnmower! That's my hubby's department! Dear little Thea... so glad she's enjoying the garden - our two love it too, and as the weather improves, it's getting more difficult to get them in, particularly Lily. Please give Thea a hug from me. Sorry to hear you've had so many broken bones - that's miserable. My hubby has had 2 since we moved here (wrist, ankle) but that's mostly because he's accident prone and doesn't look where he's going! I love your folded boxes, and your funnies are brilliant, particularly the robot one! (Snowflake robot lol!) The top one I've seen before and saved on my computer - I may have posted it at one time, when I was doing a series of cat ones.

Lily and Ruby say "meow" to you and Thea.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

StampinCarol said...

Hope you get good weather for Easter. Your scenery photos are pretty. Interesting twist boxes. I'll have to look that up. We're having very warm weather (normal) but lots of wind. Hopefully we'll get some good rain soon. Please be careful with your bones! Have a great week.
Carol N #24

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh great funnies...totally love the idea of Erik the well read! I imagine there’s quite a difference between origami and washi paper. I’m rubbish at folding things square, so tatty would be really obvious! do you have a bone folder? A nice but not too sharp an edge to make the creases true. I may be talking out of my bucket head because and worse, teaching you suck eggs, sorry! As for the Mr going back over the grass (for which, by the way, congratulations...it can be v hard work, don’t wrench yourself!) - MeBart knows now that if he feels the need to do that sort of thing I will never ever do that job again. Car washing comes to mind. I no longer wash it because of the ‘going over it’ thing....I take it to my friends in the Tesco car park and spend a tenner on something I can do to my own satisfaction!

Susan Renshaw said...

The funnies all made me smile!
It seems that yesterday it was the same temperature in the UK as here in Australia. Quite unseasonable weather for the UK in March.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #18

Lindart said...

Hi Lynne! What does MRRP stand for? The is a lovely cat, a bit like my Mittsy! My hubby sends me those cat funnies all the time (from our basement!). And I don't do the lawn anymore for the same reason you just mentioned. If he has to tidy up after me, he might as well do it himself! The origami boxes are very cool! Have a great rest of the week, and Happy Easter! Lindart #28

My name is Cindy said...

Love the funnies! Thea is lovely, I bet she's been enjoying the sunshine. Even when mine was onher last legs she'd get out and lay in any patch of sun she could find. Those little 'boxes' look so complicated, I don't think I would have the patience. Have a good week, Love n hugs, Cindy #23

Spyder said...

I think your little folded-envelopes-boxes looks really lovely...do them in christmas paper and they could go on the Christmas tree! Lovely pictures of puss-cat and your view, and the cartoons! Very Funny! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy very Late last weeks WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#6